March 28, 2004

Special message from Miriam to her fans

I just want to thank everyone for sending in so many emails straight after the show finished. Don't worry about me!

The boys are the ones that have lost out, they lost out on a week with me!!!!

It's all just TV.

What is much more important than a gang of insecure boys "rejecting" me, are all of the issues that this series has brought into the mainstream. Can you believe it - now transsexualism is so much more accepted, normalized. The wonderful people in Britain seem to love me, and I am getting mail from all over the world. And that means the message that we are all the same only making different choices is getting through on such a massive scale. When Tom said that I deceived him, he should have a look at how everyone was deceiving each other. When the boys were with me they were gentlemen, when they were together they were completely different. I liked Tom and feel sorry that he felt the way he did - I think that peer pressure was obvious, but then, hey they had to make that big TV moment!

That day was the most frightening in my life. I was so nervous. I nearly died of fright. No one knew what was going to happen. But then after the boys got angry I went off down the beach. I found a beautiful guy and we had a beautiful time together that afternoon. He didn't have any problems!

I have known a lot of wonderful men in my life, I have beautiful friends, and a caring family. I am lucky! I have got to show what I really am to the whole world and I have been accepted. It seems that everyone except the boys feel positive about me and what I am. Is that not a little world changing thing to happen?

I am in Cannes at the moment writing this. Tomorrow we meet people from all over the world who want to broadcast the series. Then there is a party and I am going to give an award to the guy who invented Big Brother.

Tolerance and transcendence. This is the motto for me in these times of prejudice, violence, fear.

Evolution not revolution.

Evolve and survive.

Be hybrid. Be fluid. Blur the boundaries that keep us apart and keep us from what we really truly are.

Never give in.


All my love to everyone. Let's see what Miriam Chapter 2 is going to be!

Miriam X

Posted by Mike at March 28, 2004 10:42 PM | TrackBack


Hahaha the show was Golden T.V. ( no pun intended )!

All the best for the future Miriam.

Posted by: Dan Franklin at March 29, 2004 12:13 PM

I agree. A Classic! It's all just TV. It actually made me think for a bit there. I was kinda emotionally drawn in as well. Way better than watching run-of-the-mill stupid reality TV shows where people sit around and do nothing....

Posted by: Pip at March 29, 2004 07:34 PM
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