April 08, 2004

Miriam wants to hear from you!

In her personal responses to letters from fans on Tuesday, Miriam wrote:

I want to say thank you to you and all my loyal fans. I honestly appreciate your love and support. Thanks for writing, it means a lot to me....

Without your letters and support there would be no fan mail, there would be no MIRIAM. So please don't ever think for one second you are "wasting my time". I honestly enjoy and love hearing from my fans. I want to hear and know your thoughts and feelings. It is great to know there are people in this world who support me through all this. To know I am not alone makes me feel at ease. So please keep writing. It is never enough!

By my last count, she has personally replied to 121 letters from fans so far.

Posted by Mike at April 8, 2004 04:39 AM | TrackBack


Posted by: penis enlargement at May 8, 2004 05:25 AM

Hi, Miriam.

I don´t wanna seem rude, and I am curious, but have no itention to offende you.

Are you a transgender?
I am not really sure what that is... actually.
But what I have heard, peopel like you can have have female future... breasts... soft skin... and have a male penis. Is this true?

Would like to " talk" more with you if you are intressted.

Posted by: mats at May 13, 2004 04:07 PM
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