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Here are some fans' letters to Miriam with her replies.

263) Miriam. I just want to say that I'm only 16 so I'm basically a child/adult. A bit of both. I read the letter... number 258? The person that said that you should never come back to Australia. I think it's absolute rubbish. I'm actually ashamed of that person for portraying us as a nation who don't accept people for all their different qualities. In Australia we have such varying people... obviously that person needs to grow up a bit; they even used stupid immature language like "parasite". Such ignorance shows how people are so afraid of what is out of their comfort zone. I hope you have fun in Australia.. I look forward to watching you on Big Brother.

Love Katy.

Thanks Katy.

Of course Australia is not full of peopple like that! I just wanted to show what I think of people who right that kind of hatred.

Thanks for the lovely letter. I LOVE Australia. Today I swam with dolphins! They are so beautiful I was humbled by them


Miriam X

262) Hello, I really don't mean this to be rude or insulting and I hope you no't take it the wrong way and you probably won't answer my question anyway, get to the ponit you say....well I wanted to know if at any point when you were growing up as a boy were you sexually interfered with. I have some people I know who have similar feelings to you and some of them were.

Thankyou, I know this is private and understand if you don't answer it, I'm not trying to be nosey and spread gossip I just was wondering.


This has nothing to do with transgendersim. No I was not interfered with. I new from birth what I waS.



261) Dear Miriam, I really honour your bravery in being so open about your sexuality in the world I think its fantastic your so brave and I believe that it was very smart of you to do it over national tv. It was clever because you will now never have to explain about you little thing again. Love your fan, Arina


260) g'day Miriam, i just wanted to ask you something! when you are wearing bathers, how come you cant see a lump down there? thank you! cya mariana


Well its all down to technique. A little trade secret! Try experimenting at home!

I have not had a chance to email my fans and friends. This has been the most crazy time here in Australia. I love it here./ I so love it. Tomorrow its into the BB house. But TODAY I swim with Dolphins!

Love to you and the whole world.


259) hey Miriam!

Just want to say that your looking fine and honeslty i would go out with you even if you were born a man.. you are very cool and brave to go on tv and stuff and reveal your secret. Excuse my curiosity but do you have any fetishes?




Miriam X

258) Never come this great land of Australia again please. There are enough problems in the world as it is, and we don't need parasites such as yourself infecting the young children of Australia and the rest of the world.

Sincerely, The Great Australian Patriot

Well I gues that all I can say is that I hope that the young children of Australia and the rest of the world will have a chance to live in a world full of love and understanding, even accepting the things you don't understand.


Miriam X

257) Dear Miriam Just a note to thank you for putting yourself on the line by being part of the series. I do have some ethical problems with the whole concept, but I accept that those were decisions made at production level and not by you, and I take your points that the men were not honest about who they were either, and that you saw it as a chance to air some important issues about transsexualism. I really admire the courage it must have taken to make the decision to be involved. I have a seven-year-old son who is transgendered. He identifies as a "boy who wants to be a girl," since of course with school and other factors he cannot live as a girl at this time. He has a case worker and a psychiatrist to help him deal with his anxiety about His Secret, and a year ago, he was out of school for a term because he was believed to be at risk of self-harm. He's much less anxious now and the crisis seems to have settled for now, although I've been warned to expect another crisis at puberty, when we'll need to look at hormonal therapy. It's been really helpful for him on his journey to have someone to identify with, and I've been letting him watch your show for that reason despite my concerns. (I won't be letting him watch the finale, which airs here in a couple of weeks, since I gather the men's reactions were pretty ugly and I'd rather that he didn't see that). He admires you very much. I think it's been really good for him to see that he can still be anything he wants to be. So...thank you. Warm regards

Your son is so lucky to have such a wonderful mother. I am enthralled by this email. The love, consideration and acceptance you have for your son is so beautiful. So fantastic. It gives me such hope that the world is changing and that we will all be able to find our special place in it.

Thanks so much for writing. If your son would like to meet and we could have the chance it would be great. Please email my agent on the official site if this is something you would like to do.

Love and a big kiss to you son.

Miriam X

256) hi miriam, it's really a great pleasure to know that u r coming to australia for our big brother sereis... i appreciate your decision of changing into a girl from a guy... coz girls are the best...


Why, thank you! I;m on my way!


Miriam X

255) Hi Miriam,

My name is Kieran and although I am not going to be in any of the cities that you will be making an appearance in during your tour of Australia, I would like to say that I am one man that would never take your beauty and intelligance for granted. I know you probably get endless letters from people pledging their love to you, and I'll admitt to you that I am not a wealthy man, but I have a kind heart and a good sense of humour, and would be honoured if you would let me take you out for dinner and a movie sometime. I understand that you lead a very busy lifestyle, but I would like to give you the opportunity to slow down for a night and just have a few laughs with someone who would genuinely love to share your company.

Kind regards, Kieran.


Money is not everything. In fact is not anything. Though lots of it is great also! I hope to be able to meet you on my trip. It would be great. My time is so booked up, but will be making a lot of public appearances. Check out the website for daily updates as its changing all of the time, but I am committed to letting people know as soon as I can where we could meet.

If you are able to come to one of the appearances in clubs etc. Don't be shy! Come up and grab me and say hello! And that applies to all my wonderful fans and admirers in Australia.

Love, and thank you for your straightforward kindness and gentleness.

Love and very special kisses.

Miriam X

254) Hey, My name is Marianne and i'm from Sydney.

I just wanted to share some thoughts with you.

I remember about 6 months ago reading an email about this contraversial show that was going to be on tv where some guys were misled and were competing for a girl who was really a guy.

I must admit I was shocked but at the same time I thought to myself it is about time people start to be made aware that there are all different types of people in the world.

The show has been on in Australia for a while and I have watched some of the episodes. You are a beautiful person. I can tell you are inside and out regardless of your gender.

My brother actually made me aware of this site. When he first saw you he and a friend said "she's hot". Then he found out your story and he was shocked. But he remained intrigued and wanted to know your background and the story from your perspective not the paparazzi and tabloids.

He read your story on your website and told me to read it because he found it interesting and eye-opening.

I hope that some day you find love just like every woman and man dreams to find and that through your travels of the world you find people like me and my brother who are accpeting and want to learn about people who are different not only in their sexual orientation but also in terms of their race, age, history and whatever cards they have been delt from the forces above.

good luck with whatever it is you are doing nowdays and always know you have an admirer in me.


Thank you for this wonderful email. Is you brother hot! Tell him and his mates to come to Stone Wall" On Monday 7th night. I'll be there/ You come too! Tell your bother not to worry that it is a gay bar, all kind of people are going to be there. I am so glad that your brother read my story and saw what was behind the sensation. I'm just an ordinary girl (!!!!) just trying to be me (!!!!) and having some fun along the way.

Agree that no matter what gender, race sexual orientation age or whatever - WE ARE ALL THE SAME! Too much killing in this world and what for? Make Love Not War! It kind of makes sense doesn't it?

All my love and hope you can make it to Stone Wall.


Miriam X

253) Hi Miriam, hope all is well with you, just wanted to say hello and that you are the most beautiful woman in the entire universe. I am glad i got to see you on the TV and hope to see more of you in the future. one thing i find very funny though is all the straight guys saying how sexy you are (which you are) and then getting all confused about there sexuality and saying things like "but i am not gay" etc.. to be honest you are a girl in every way you know that most of your fans know that, keep doing what you are doing.

have a great time in australia.

love jase

What, the entire universe! Even more sexy than J Lo?!!!!!!

THank you for your beautiful message. I agree. I'm all woman!

Love, kisses, and peace.

Miriam X

252) HEY Miriam!

I'm just writing to let your know that me and my friend Fiona are ur greatest fans!!!! We almost cryed when we found out that u r commin to Australia!!! Can u plez make sure that u can make it to Townville too? Coz we live in Ingham and Brisbane to too far away for us to go and see You! Townsville is the Capitol of North Queensland so i'm sure u should come here too!!! You are an inspiration too me and fee coz u can just be yourself and be happy! We watch and tape your show every week and we enjoy it lots!!! I hope u can come to Townsville!

Luv ur greatest fans ever - Lauren and Fiona :)


My god! I can't wait to meet all of the lovely people who are writing in in their THOUSANDS to me from Australia. The itinerary is being finalized over the next two days. I fly out on Friday and two days later (TWO!) I am in Australia. I arrive in Sydney 7:30 in the morning and will be through the gates at 8am. It would be great to see you then if you have the chance, cause I want to meet fans before being rushed off to the tour. I hope to meet as many people as possible over the tour and keep checking my website to see the latest details.

Love and BIG kisses.

Miriam X

251) Hey Miriam! We can't wait to have you down here in Australia, i'm sure you'll love it here. Be sure to stop by Perth, we may be far away but our beaches are by far the most beautiful ;) I was proud when I read how you met a guy on the beach on the last day of filming "There's Something About Miriam". Good on you! Those guys were losers i'm glad you got to rub it in their faces. It's great that you're such a positive person out there in the open, there should be more people like you. I heard you were to be joining the aussies in Big Brother. I have a feeling their ratings will skyrocketed! I think you have a great time in australia, and big brother - I hope you ruffle some feathers and break some hearts! You're beautiful - Never change! - Jo-anne


I'm definitely going to ruffle some feathers and break some hearts!

Love Miriam X

250) Dear Miriam,

While I am simply heterosexual, I wish to say how proud of you I am, you are a celebration of what human freedom and expression can be.

I read your site and think you have shown a great deal of fortitude and determination, these are qualities that have certainly seen you through your teenage years that now reflect on you as a positive person.

I hope that you continue to maintain a great outlook on life and wish you all the success.

Would you please respect my need for privacy however and withold my surname and email address from publication, your site does not indicate whether you will or not, I do however hold a certain position within a company and my clients may not show the same understanding as I do, and they are of course my bread and butter.



Everything is kept confidential. Thank you for emailing me. I really appreciate it. I'm coming to Australia and am looking forward to it so much. Human freedom is everything. There is so much rot in the world as we as a species try so hard to oppress each other.

Love Miriam X

249) Dear Miriam, Your tv series is currently being shown on Australian television and I think you are lovely. You have a soft, beautiful, feminine personality, and you are extremely pretty. Your Mexican accent really adds to how cute you come across. I was wondering if you will be coming to Melbourne at all in your Australian tour, it would be a pleasure to see you in person. I am looking forward to hearing your music and seeing your future photographs. I do a lot of photography myself, and retouching on the computer, so I appreciate seeing good quality images. Your first photo set looks great! Have a wonderful week and I will write to you again soon. Take care . . .

Hugs from Brian x x x


THank you for your kindness!!!! Yeah, that Latino husky voice is a killer! Yep. Am coming to Melbourne on the 8th! Doing the Rove Live show. Can't wait!!! Glad you like the photos. You aint seen nothing yet. We are doing a new shoot this week that is hot hot hot! Check the websit on Friday to see my full OZ itinerary. Its going to be mad.

See you in OZ, sun sea and dolphins!


Miriam X

248) Dear Miriam I had to send you an email because you are a big inspiration to alot of people i am a female and being a female is great you have proven to me that if you want something then do it and dont let ANYONE get in the way i am only 14 but watching "there's something about miriam"made me think very differently about transsexuals they are human beings ,people who happened to be born in the wrong body.I admire you alot and think u are a strong and independent woman you are an icon for me and i will go on supporting whatever you do. Please reply to me as i will be very honoured and so happy.AND remember keep on being miriam and rockin' LUV YA LOTS!!! -Amna


Thanks for this wonderful email. THese emails are an inspiration to me. I am so glad that "being yourself" is a message thats getting out loud and clear. I hope that you have a great life, and take it to the full. Don't let anything hold you back! Be kind to yourself, and kind to others.

Love you loads,

Miriam X

247) Would it be possible for us to meet up and have hot man-sex when you are in Australia? I wanna give it to you at the gay bar, gay bar, gay bar.

PS: I am not gay. Really.


Ha Ha Ha!

Do you think you are man enough!

I'm not gay either!

Miriam X

246) Miriam, Recently, an aquaintance of mine, lets just refer to him as X to protect his privacy, expressed his homosexual desires on this site. Lately I have been sensing more attention from him to me. I dont really know what to do as I have never been put in a situation like this. I am not against homosexuals, it's just that I am straight.

Please Help Me!


Well my last email was about swimming with dolphins! Now this is a bit more serious. I guess my only advise can be that when anyone, be that person gay, straight, bi, man, woman, martian is giving you more attention than you feel comfortable with the best solution is to quietly mention your concern. To say you concern out of friendship. But be careful, it may be that you are confusing things now that you know he might be gay and that every look he gives is interpreted as a a look of sexual intent.

It is hard in any area to find yourself being fancied by someone you do not fancy. Just either let him know directly, or let him know by your actions. But the main thing is don't worry! Just tell him get lost if he is annoying you (in the kindest way of course!) and let him know that he is a friend and that is the way you would like it to remain but that there are boundaries that he needs to respect and that there are some levels of intimate friendship you might not be comfortable with.




Miriam X

245) Hi Miriam, How is your Holiday? GOD!!!!! I wish we could be together. If I was a millionaire, I would shower you with the expensive jewelry. You could wear the most beautiful gowns. We could have candlelight dinners in Paris. We could have moonlit strolls along the beach. We could drink the finest wines. All this I would do to prove my love for you. Until our paths shall cross. I Love you Darling, Emil Jr

Thank you Emil for such a lovely email. You are such a romantic!


Miriam X

244) Damn, just love you! I can't believe your actually a boy! I'm telling myself all the time how much i wish u were a girl cuz it feels so wierd thinking i'm actually really attracted to you and i'm like 100% not homosexual! Well, you got yourself a fan, and admirer. Good luck in doing what you do, got all my support! Love YA! ;D



It gets confusing doesn't it. How do you think I have felt all my life!!!! That is the problem of the way we are taught to see things in black and white and not the shades of gray. What makes me what I am. My genitals or what is inside - my spirit, soul, mind, personality..... what ever we call it.

I guess what I am saying is that I have never considered myself a boy. My genetics, as well, is not as clear as that. If you are attracted to me, or someone like me, it is not about being gay. Its about a blurring of the boundaries.

Thanks for becoming a fan, and writing to me. And thanks for the support. It means such a lot to me.

Love Miriam X

243) hey babe,i think ur gorgeous n i'm so proud of u being comfortable with who u are..u can't please everyone in this world so y not just take the time n please urself??i'm a 22 year old girl n to tell u the truth when i 1st started watching the show i got a little disgusted but after reading ur diary, everything falls into place a clearer picture..thanx for being out there showing the people around the world no matter who u r or wat gender u r,as long as ur happy n not hurting anyone who gives a f*ck??ur show just started in australia not too long ago n i'm going home to Penang,Malaysia for holidays..there's where i'm from..i've got a couple of frends like u n i don't really give a shit wat they r..they r my frends..dats all dat matters..i'm going to ask my boyfriend to tape it for me too..hahaha..i'm addicted to it n babe,ur GORGEOUS~so take care of urself n believe in urself k?have fun n cya later..Cheers~

p/s:do come to australia..its gorgeous but not yet..wait till i'm back..i would love the opportunity to meet ya

Thank you for this wonderful email. I am glad that you managed to take the time and read through the diary. Because the show is so controversial, people can get caught up in the media hype and cliché's, and the TV companies milk the controversy as much as they can!

I hope yo meet you too! Keep checking up on SENSATION.

All my love,

Miriam X

242) Dear Miriam, Congratulations on the show, i think it was a tastefully done production. It is a pity that the contestants behaved the way they did in the end, and i say it's their loss. When i first saw your show , i thought you were the most beautiful woman i have ever seen, and even as it became more apparent that you were a transexual woman, i still thought you were the most beautiful woman i have ever seen, and i could envisage the outcome and the end result, from the guys. It takes a very understanding person too appreciate and accept the eprson you are " a woman " and too respect you for who you are NOT what you are. I sincerely wish you all the best in the future and i hope that one day your life will be filled with love and laughter and much happiness, and that the man who gets too win your heart realizes that he has one very special lady to share his life with.

Yours Faithfully,

Steven. xoxoxoxoxo

Thanks for this very beautiful and sincere email. It means a lot to me that people care. I'm coming to Australia and I am excited and nervous. I hope to be able to meet a lot of the wonderful people that are writing in. But I am getting some nasty emails as well. (Not a lot, but they are very nasty). Do you think there will be trouble? I have lots of security, but just think that confrontation is such a silly thing to happen and just want to make it plain to everyone that tolerance and transcendence is the future. Without love of that which we do not necessarily understand, the world will always be full of suspicion and violence.

All my love

Miriam X - A simple girl just wanting to be me!

241) Hi Miriam, I've just signed up on the new site. looks excellent.

love your show. you are a one hot chick (that's aussie for a beautiful woman).

can't wait for you to come down under to aussie land but why are you not coming to Perth-Western Australia? we have the best weather, beaches and of course the world's best MEN!!!!!

If you want to swim with dolphins a great place is Rockingham just south of Perth. these are wild dolphins that come into the bay to swim with us humans. i swim with them when i can,its a life chaning experience. if you do head over to the west give us a call and I'll take you to meet them they are so special. I know they will love you as much as I do.

have a great trip

love ya



Glad you like the site, just wait until SENSATION is up and running. We plan to have a special part of the site for some "hot" pics!

I can't wait to land in Australia, and I am dying to swim with dolphins. I agree, I am sure it will be a life changing experience.

I will know the full itinerary in a couple of days and will post everything on SENSATION. Hope to meet you!


Miriam X

240) Hi miriam I just wanted to say that I reckon your show is kewl and that you look like Jennifer Lopez. I don't no wat else to say so hope you can reply back because I never ever got an email from a star befor so please send me a email back please.

By Joe


No, it is Lopez that looks like me!

Thanks for writing in to me, I never consider myself a "star" and am making as much time as I can to reply to the wonderful emails that are coming in. They mean such a lot to me. Without my fans I am nothing!

Love and kisses.

Miriam X

239) Hi Miriam, Just read on your news page that you will be visiting Melbourne when you are in Australia. I hope that I will be able to see you in person wherever you will be appearing in Melbourne.

From The President of your un-Official Melbourne Fan Club,


Keep checking on SENSATION !


Miriam X

238) hey miriam i have been watching your show over here in australia and i think your fantastic. i dont care what sex you are you are absolutely gourgous. i would love to hear from you and hopefully meet you when oyu come to australia i have pics if you want to see email me back


I'm coming and I am coming soon. All details of my tour will be on SENSATION which will be updated daily. I'll be doing a number of appearances in clubs and photo signings so maybe I'll meet you! Signed up members of SENSATION will get the first on my movements.



237) hey can i see u nude u r so hot and if i have to be gay plz send me a pic



Thank you kind sir! Lots of pics are going to be soon available on SENSATION. Galleries, and behind the scenes pics, diaries, video. Check it out. We are delaying the launch to the 7th June to coincide with my visit to Australia so that all my fans can get up to the minute material from the promotional tour.


Miriam X

236) Thank you so very, very much for your new web-site. I look forward to your site each day. You are simply breathtaking and one of the most beautiful women on earth. You make this sometimes dark world worth ever second of life. It doesn't matter you were born as a boy, you are an amazing women and have a beautiful spirit. You are everthing any lucky man could ever want or need.

I Love you,


I'm fainting with pleasure!

Sweet Kisses.

Miriam X

235) Hi Miriam, PLEASE don't get the wrong idea on what I'm about to say. I mean you NO harm WHATSOEVER!!!!!!!! I heard over the news that terrorists plan a major attack on the United States. If you want the latest news on world events, Try This is the website of the Department Of Homeland Security. PLEASE don't get the wrong idea. I'm deeply concerned about your safety. If you do any travelling, PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!!!!!!! Miriam, You mean the world to me. Take care and BE SAFE!!!!!!!!!! I love you, Emil


Don't worry!!!! I keep myself safe. Don't believe all of the scare mongering. It makes people afraid. And when they are afraid they lash out. Keep cool. Don't believe everything governments, newspapers of TV say. Give out good vibes and lets make this world a better more safe place for our children.

Love and Kisses.


234) Hi Miriam!!! YOU TOTALLY ROCK!!! I think your absolutly stunning and i wish you all the luck and success for the future. Maz -xxx-

Hey Thanks!

Am nearly completed discussions about coming over to Australia. I so hope it can happen cause of the wonderful email flooding in from you part of the world. Maybe we'll meet in melbourne! I'll be doing some signings in all the cities.


Miriam X

233) Hello! You are a real inspiration to me, I admire you with all my heart and soul. I hope to hear much more from you soon and I was also wondering if you were planning on ever coming to England? Lots of Love and Repect, Debi xxx

I'm in discussion with a number of TV companies at the moment about various guestings and other stuff. I hope to be in London at the end of June. Thanks for the lovely email.

Miriam X


Hi Damita.

Don't be scared. I know how you feel and my heart goes out to you. I'm glad the site has given you support and I pray that you can find the courage to take a leap and discuss everything with your parents. I think the main thing is that you follow what you really are. That might mean a lot of upset, you have to move away, find new friends or whatever. But there are a lot of people like you and a lot of people who have no problems what people are. Find them out. have someone that you can speak to and trust. It would be a lot easier if you have some support behind you when you got and tell your parents so that you have something to fall back on. And when you do talk to your parents, hear what they have to say as well.

Take care little angel and be brave.

All my love and kisses,

Miriam X

231) Hello Miriam

WOW,thats what i think every time i see you.i loved watching you on tv a few months ago,just wish you were still on.your one of the most beautifull Women i think ive ever seen,so stunning,iam amazed everytime i see you.

just wish i had been on that tv show with you,carnt promise i would of won,for all i know you might of hated me,lol,but i will say i would of tried my hardest to win the chance to be with you.iam sure the money would of been nice to win also but i always thought the biggest prize was to spent time with you.sorry it didnt work out with you and the winner,but to be honest i wasnt shocked at his reaction.i think he was more hurt mainly because he felt lied to,rather than that you were a transexual.personally i dont know how any man could critizies you for doing what you want.i got so much respect for you because i imagine doing what you do must be so difficult.there are so many narrow minded people in the world and imagine you have had a lot of hassle from these kind of people in your time. anyway,i just wanted to say that you have a big fan in me and if i ever get the chance to meet you in real life i would be more than happy to take you out for a night out,anywere you like and doing anything. iam a big beliver in female supremicy and your at the top of the female ladder,with all us males below you begging for your attention.just wish i could be one of the lucky ones who gets to the top of the ladder were your at. i could talk all day but i need to go as my cooking will burn if i dont cheack it. i would love to chat to you if thats at all posible.iam sure you get asked this all the time but i really hope you do consider emailing me back,or even better adding me to messager so we can chat all the time. my email address if your interested in knowing me is, XXXXXXXXXXX best wishes chris


I agree that Tom felt deceived, mainly by the production company. But it is amazing for me that people volunteer to go on TV and not expect that they are being used. Reality TV is all about using members of the public for entertainment. I think that is is fair enough and that people should know that if the volunteer for reality TV that there is always going to be a twist. Maybe this was too big a twist! Female Supremacy Ha Ha! Right on dude. better check your cooking! Thanks for the lovely email. I hope to hear more from you.

Love and Kisses.

Miriam X

230) Hi Miriam

I just want to say that your looks are absolutely fantastic... for a woman, you get 11/10.

Its great you have the courage to be what you want in life. It was hard to believe the secret looking and looking at your bodily features of a woman but if you were born a male, then so be it. However, how do you hide your male genitilia???

How to see you down under in Australia.

Kisses.. Jack.


That is my secret trick of the trade baby. For me to know and you to find out! Thanks for the lovely complement. It means such a lot to get these emails and I hope to see you in Australia soon.


Miriam X

229) Miriam, I still adore you and my adoration grows by the day. You are perfect in my eyes. You grow more beautiful as the days pass .... Chris xxx



Thanks you! How sweet. I love you!

Miriam X

228) Hi

Firstly I would like to thank you for replying to my email regarding the show, Secondly I like your new website.. It's a major improvement and easier to read than your first website (It's not that I can not read, it's just the color was a bit too dark)and my vision get's blurry from time to time, you are so great looking maybe that's why my eye sights messed up. Any way good luck with the site and good fortune to you gorgeous lady.



I'm glad you like the new site. I really like it too. We now have the man power to build the site up and give everyone a lot of info and material. Watch out for the launch of SENSATION on the 31st May which is going to have more galleries and a lot of other stuff. Thanks for the lovely comments and hope you are having a great life!

Miriam X

227) hi miriam i saw your tv show and i must say your so beautiful. i was breathless i would loved to of been one of those men on your show theres something about miriam.i would of gone on the cruise with your new site

yours truely paul

Wow! I am breathless!

Miriam X

226) Hi Miriam & Bunes dias from Saigon,

Did you know that you are famous in Asia now?

I just showed your web-site to my Vietnamese collegues, they think you a very beautiful. You should come to Thailand. Every one will love you there.

Adios Amega


Hi Popeye!

Kisses! Kisses! Kisses!

Thanks for the wonderful message! No, I did not know that people love me in your BEAUTIFUL part of the world! This is so exciting! I have always wanted to go to Thailand and Vietnam. I love your food! I love your landscape! And I know that you are very very beautiful and wonderful people. I worked with Nung Toom from Thailand - she is the former Kick Boxer of the world before she became a woman. She is so elegant. So lovely. And so dangerous! She is soooooo fit! I know that there has been a film made about her life called "The Beautiful Boxer" and I can't wait to see it. I am also really wanting to go to Japan.

I am so glad your friends like me, I would love to come to Thailand soon. Dance the night away in Bangkok and then chill on the wonderful beaches and visit some beautiful temples - that sounds like heaven!. My new improvements on my official site goes up on Sunday - and we launch an even bigger official fan site on the 31st May. We are going to add new galleries every 4 weeks, and some of them will be pretty raunchy (in the best possible taste of course!) and some of them are very arty!. We have got some really great photo sets that are going to blow your mind! On the 31st people will also be able to download posters, T-Shirts (you got to see the designs, they are completely mad! and beautiful! and have attitude!) and then I'll finally post my music so that fans can have direct access BEFORE it is released in their country. We got some great wallpapers on the official site that people will be able to download.

It is all so exciting, and I haven't had a chance to rest for ages (I am moving apartments in the middle of all of the work and this is a complete nightmare! I have soooooo many clothes that I don't know what to do! Help!!!!!). It is strange and beautiful being known all around the world. It makes our planet and home seem such a small place, we got to care for one another. And their are wonderful people everywhere! What I want to do is give back to people all the love and kindness. So we are really concentrating on making the websites a great place to be and give people access to my life, and all kinds of stuff. And for the sites to be a place of good vibes, open mindedness and a love of life!

Well, that's it for now. Please keep emailing me and would love to hear from your friends over there, there is so much love in the world and I really appreciate all of the kind support everyone is giving me.

I've got to run now and get everything packed!!!!!!

All of my love, and huge huge kisses!

Miriam X


hi i have not contacted you for a while ! how are you ? and when is your single going to be released because i am really looking forward to it ! i hope you are keeping it real because you a really sweet and you have something special inside, and as said before an inspiration to us all, because you no matter what !! have stood by what you believe in and more importantly WHO you are ! i have recently told my family who I REALLY AM and they took it really well WOOHOO haha and they have told me they will support me through the times ahead. i cant help thinking the reason my family have found it easier to support me, is people like you ! who show that we are real women trapped in the incorrect body. so many thanks, love you lots, and have fun always -dionne

Go Girl!

This is such a wonderful message. I am so so so glad that your family are sticking by you. It's made me cry. Stick to what you want in life. You are very lucky and very precious. An Angel. Take care and take life step by step. The reason why your family is supporting you is because of you. You are beautiful. they love you. take care f them, bring them along with you step by step, understand that at times they will not understand you. But no matter what. They love you!

Take care precious.

Love and Kisses. And all my love. Let me know how you get on on life's journey.

Miriam X

224) I'd like to see pictures before your operation. Will any be put up on the website? Thanks. -Kunzip


I haven't had an operation. Just breast implants. What you see is the real me! People think I have photos of me as a guy. That some big transformation took place. But it didn't. I always looked feminine.

Miriam X

223)Hi ive been watching your series 'there's something about miriam' hun you are gawjuz u rock! keep up the good work :) haha adios -from Lana, Australia

Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so glad the series is going so well in Australia. You are all so great! I love you all so much!

Love and kisses.

Miriam X

222) G'dae Mariam! Just wanted to say YOU ROCK!! Keep your read up high girl coz what your doing is just the begining! Hope you never change and always stay true & BEAUTIFUL! Love Always P!


Than you so much. I agree, it really does feel like the beginning of something. I have no idea where life is going to lead me but then that is the most wonderful thing about life! My new website design with a whole load of galleries is going to be up this weekend and you should pop by and have a look at it. We are going to be doing a lot of photoshoots and stuff and got this GREAT designer who has designed a T-shirt that will blow you away. I think the T-shirt is really really funny and it would be amazing if people all over the world were wearing it. Check the site real soon to see how we are developing it. YOU WILL LOOOOOOOVE IT!

All my love,

Miriam X

221) Hi Miriam,

I think you are stuningly beautiful. I also think that the men from your show have let something special slip away. If only I was so lucky to meet a girl like you....

Thank you, thank you, thank you, beautiful one.

Miriam X

220) Hey.. I just wanted to say that You are absoluetely gorgeous. Don't let all that shit in the world regarding homophobia get to you. You are who you are, and nobody can change that :D

Thanks. messages like this give me strength and courage and I really really appreciate them.


Miriam X

219) Hi there!

I never watched the show but I have heard about it on the news. I want to congradulate you on your succes and courage to be yourself. You have succeeded in being pretier than many of us "real" girls could ever be. In a way, I find it unfair, but on the other hand, I am born in the body that suits me and even if it's not the best one there is, I'm sure it's better than some end up with. :P You are an inspiration, not only to boys in girls bodies, but also to me, in a way. You prove that we can be what we want to be. Best of luck to you!


Thanks for the beautiful email. especially the piece about being in a body that suits. You can be what you want to be.


Miriam X

218) Hi,

As "Something About Miriam" is about to air in Australia, I have been looking at the website to find a bit more about you and the show. From what I've read about you, particularly the reply to a letter that was posted on one of the sites, I really admire you. I think it's wonderful that you are making decisions based on desire, not on "oh, this will make it easier for me to find love." I am actually a pre-op transsexual woman, but am thus far going to go post-op. I will re-evaluate when I get to the point where I am able to go ahead. I think that you being in the public eye is a very good thing, as we need to educate the world about people such as ourselves, so that they can understand that we're just normal people. I do not, however, think that the show "There's Something About Miriam" is doing anything good for us. I was horrified when they said "she is a he" on the ad. That's not doing anything for girls like me at all. Anyway, I just had to email you because I think you're beautiful and we should all strive to be as confident about ourselves as you are. Enjoy your life, and keep living to your own beliefs, not others!

Ciao, Paige.

Hi Girl!

Thanks for the email. I know what you mean that the media needs to use cliché's. I never consider myself to have been a "he". That's just what is on my passport and ~i pray for the day that I can change that. But, in the UK once the cliché's had got out there, there was a real interest from people who have never been confronted with transsexuality and I was really fortunate to get such a lot of support. A lot of transgendered people in the UK were against me when the court case was going on but when they say how the series in fact "normalized" what we are and invited people in, they felt more comfortable. I don't want to be a spokesperson for any transgender community. I just want to be me. I hope you too will see that the show has actually changed people's perceptions and this is something I never thought would result from it. I don't want to make the world see us as freaks. Good luck with your life decisions. And you look great!!!


Miriam X

217) Dear Miriam,

You are stunning - absolutely stunning! I came across one of your pictures on the web, saw your website listed on it, typed in the URL and found your site. All I can say is - WOW! I have gone through each page and learned a little bit about you. I'll be keeping my eyes open for more news and info on you. Aside from being gorgeous, you are apparently talented, funny, smart and have a good head for business - in short, it seems like you are the complete package! I feel safe in saying that the world is a better place with you in it (are you blushing yet?) and I hope to have a chance to see you in person some day. You Go Gurl!

A New Fan and Admirer

Yeah I'm blushing. Your too much!

Thanks and lots and lots of love and kisses.

Miriam X

216) Hello Miriam!

I'm from Australia and so have just started watching "There's something about Miriam" and think its a very interesting show... Me being the person I am could'nt wait to see who was the winner and then I saw you came out with no one. Are you glad you had this experiance and has it changed you in any way? Do you feel at all bad for any of the guys? Whatever your answeres are on this I think your great! and keep searching for love girl!

Luv Belinda!


I don't feel bad for the guys. They reacted the way they chose, and from the thousands of e-mails I am getting in I know other guys would have reacted differently. I guess i was angry at them when all the lies came out and the law action too place. Now I'm indifferent. They got their pay out and if I met them in a bar I'd like to have some fun and laugh about the whole thing. I didn't have the expectation of finding true love. I think for me it was an adventure that could have ended a lot of ways. While I jumped into the series with all of my heart I knew that it was TV and TV is not reality. I'm having a great time and meeting lots of wonderful people. I guess I have found love, and its in the form of the thousands of emails from beautiful people in Australia, Hong Kong, Sweden, The States, Turkey, Britain, everywhere. In fact I feel beautifully smothered in the love that is coming through in these emails.

But then, of course I like a bit of man action too!

Love, love, love.

Miriam X

215) Hi Miriam.

I think you are just DIVINE! Unfortunately I am not really good at conversation. So all I can say is I hope you have a nice life.

You too cuty!

Miriam X

214) Hey!

The transsexual thing is really weird to me. I'm interested in knowing what u looked like as a guy. Do you have any pics? U probably were really handsome. You're now a beautiful lady!


PS - how on earth do you hide your male private part???


I really always looked like a girl! There have been some images of me when I was a boy, but I started to change myself so young and before that looked like a girl that i never really think of myself as having looked like a guy. For a laugh I dressed as a man with a mustache for a UK publication. it was quite a shock! But I just looked like a girl wearing a mustache! being a transsexual is not really weird. Down through time we have had female looking men and male looking women. Its just that now we have the beginnings of a technology that can allow us to shape the outside to mirror the inside. I hope transsexuality becomes normal in peoples eyes, its a valid expression of our common humanity. I guess this desire for us all to accept each other was the reason I made myself public - and for the adoration of course!!!!

Thanks for your email, and all the best with your life.


Miriam X

213) i understand the concept of transsexuals, and have quite a number of gay friends (different to transsexuals, but also subject to a few of the things you are), however, unless you actually go through with the op, i seriously doubt your ability to be a "she". you require the equipment for that. I also find it disgusting that you lied to those gents in the sky tv programme - you would have stood a better chance of real love if they knew you were transsexual from the start. you are responsible for ANY and ALL psychological/emotional/etc damage they may suffer because of this. I say this as I do have a friend who thought a "lady" he met was indeed that, and subsequently found out that "she" was a pre-op transsexual as well - this so disturbed him HE COMMITTED SUICIDE!!!!! Come clean, be honest. If people don't like you for what you are, that's their roblem.


I am being honest! When you meet a person do you tell him/ her everything about you? I think you are mistaking a TV show for real life. We are all responsible for our actions, we are all responsible for the people we meet and interactive with. I am so sorry for your "friend" but I think you need to ask why did this happen (if indeed it did). What were the pressures on him that drove him to despair? Was it her, or was it the expectations of society that pigeon holes us all. That puts so much pressure to conform and humiliates so many people who don't. So, who or what is really to blame? And what about the lady, what were her feelings after she revealed herself to him and he responded in such a way.

In the case of the boys. They signed up to a reality TV show. What was their reason for doing this? What were they expecting? Fame? Its funny how some of them were would be models, actors and song writers. Why go on TV? They were nice enough guys who could easily find love in their real lives. What motivated them? Why did they think they were man enough to use all of their wily ways to "seduce" a complete stranger?

There were complicates all round and that was what the series was all about. Then when the court case happened (and her we must question the motives of the media law firm) a lot of lies were put about me. basic untruths. But I had to find the courage to stick to my guns and go even more public.

I think in the end, its all about life. We can use extreme examples to define arguments. But I think the real issue here is how people can be brave enough to stand outside of societies expectations and be what they really are. If we can move to a greater understanding of the complexities of life, and accept that the world is not black and white but glorious greys, we might find a better world to live in.

Thanks for your email. I Hope I have gone some way to explain how I feel about it all.

Love and peace

Miriam X

212) Hi Miriam, I have a question which I am really curious about, but I am a little hesitant to ask for fear of offending you. I am a medical student and am only asking this out of academic curiousity. If you are a pre-op, does that mean you will be able to achieve an erection given the right amount of hormones? I hope you don't feel offended :-D


I'm getting quite a few emails on this subject. So, even though it is very personal, I guess that people want to know. All I'm prepared to say is that everything is in perfect working order, and if size does matter it doesn't matter in my case if you know what I mean. People are asking why stay "in between". Two reasons, I am enjoying being what i am at the moment and the technology is still not that great. Check out transgender sites to see what the psychological trauma a botched surgery achieves. Who know, one day i will have the surgery, but if I do, it will have to be for the right reasons, and not because in some people's eyes it would make me a "real woman". I want to move beyond that. And I hope that society will also be able to move that way as well.

Thanks for the email.


Miriam X

211) Hi Miriam :) I was wondering whether you could tell me how the show changed your life??? As in, do people recognise you on the streets now? Do men still make advances knowing the truth? And also, how do you maintain such fantastic bronze skin!? Love Diana X


The bronze is in the genes baby, its a latino thing! The show has changed my life. More than people recognizing me, more than the pressure of media intrusion, more than anything else I think the knowledge that there is so much expectation. that's a big thing to live with and I hope it doesn't change me too much.


Miriam X

210) Dear Miriam, My name is Matt and im a 15 year old male, and i love your show and you are so beautiful and you inspire me, im simalar to you i want to be a female i wish i could start taking hormones but i dont know how to tell my perants because my dad always wanted a son but i think my mum would be supportive and i am unsure if i sould tell them or not anyway i would love you opinion. Love Mat

It is difficult to give advise, but here goes. Take your mum to dinner in a quite neutral place and tell her how you feel. You might be rejected, but you might be surprised. My mum knew about what I was before I told her. Mum's know. She will love you even if she does not understand you. I think it is better to talk to her now. I hope and pray that it will turn out fine, but if not, just understand that she loves you and that one day she will understand you.

Take care little one, and be brave.

Love and kisses and hugs and more love.

Miriam X

209) hey miriam -i think you're realy cool for being so honest with your feelings and desires. you're a real insperation, i just wish there were more people out there like you. your hit show 'there's something about miriam' has just aired it's 1st episode in australia, and i think it's such a good show, i wish so much i was a contestent on that show, so i could spend quality time with you. sadly we'll probally never meet, so please email me back. well g2g cya love oxoxoxo timmy ps. i'm so looking forward to your upcoming single


maybe we will meet one day, who knows. thanks for the kind words. I never set out to be an inspiration. I just want to be myself, but am glad that I have the opportunity to give so many people courage. I just pray that everyones light can shine in this world. its our world and we all can change it a little bit. Check the new site coming up soon where the single will be available to signed up fans.


Miriam X

208) Hey Miriam, I personally think you are gorgeous, ur beautiful...if i seen u walkin on d streets and i didnt know you were a man before i would tel my friends, "LOOK AT THAT HOTTIE"...ur so hot -wog_boy

Would you still shout what a hottie? I hope so, cause I'm HOT HOT HOT!!!! Seriously though, thanks for the wonderful comment and hope you have a wonderful life.

Love and a big kiss,

Miriam X

207) Hi Miriam, I have heard about your TV show and read many bad things about you. I think you are a very beautiful woman. Had I been on that show and won I would have gone on the cruise with you. Labels like hetro, gay, bisexual, lesbian are horrid, if two people love each other thats all that should count. I would love to meet one such as wonderful as you here in australia. take care and keep up that beautiful smile of yours Terry

Hi terry,

I agree about labels, and so agree that if two people love each other that is the most wonderful gift in the world. I'm sure you will find someone wonderful and you keep you wonderful smile as well!


Miriam X

206) Hello. My name is Andi and I just started to look at There Is Something About Mariam I live in Sweden so they just started to air the show. I'm just wondering are you and Tom still togheter? Well I hope you answer.. And bye. -Andi

Well, you should check out the last series to find out what happens! Miriam X

205) Hi Miriam! Your show with the guys are going in Scandinavian now! And i most tell you are amazing and you look nice as a person to. If i have been on that program i should never say no to that boat trip with you. So if you come to Scandinavian it will be a honour to take on a luxury boat trip. Hope to hear from u! Huge and kiss///Matt

I'd love to go on a boat in Scandinavia! Check out some Icebergs, Whales, and Penguins!

Love and kisses,

Miriam X

204) Dear miriam, you look stunning and i would love to chat to you eroticly over email, i would love for you to suck my hugh swolen cock please reply

Yeah I'm sure you would. But then, there is no way that is ever going to happen! Call that erotic! I think it is spelt "huge", by the way.

I'll give you a sweet little kiss on your lips though.

Miriam X

203) hey CHICA! hola from australia! well i cant see how youa re a guy, put it that way! ,,, youre show is on at the moment! haha i think its great.. bit different but great to learn about other people and their lifestyles , of which i never even knew existeted. i think that if people took on a more post modernistic point of view to life then alot of things in contemporary culture would be acceptable! anyways amiga! gotta fly! check ya pics! hahahaha tell us when ya in australia! ciao cek


Thanks for this wonderful email. Its great that a reality show can show people something more than usual! In more ways than one!! Its a big world and there is plenty of room for us all. Glad you liked the pics. More to come.

Love and kisses,

Miriam X

202) Dear Miriam, This will be quite brief i think, excuse me for that, but i have to go to bed sometime as i still attend school. But i'd just like to say a few quick words about my feelings over your situation and that show you were on, and also i guess that pschologist who mailed you. I'd just like to start off by saying that i am 17 and a TV so i am not as privilaged as you in having parents that would understand me and my sexuality, and of course breasts, lol. (your got a fine pair if i may say) moving right along. Your show aired last night for the first time in australia last night, i just happened to be watching TV and caught a bit of it. So i thought it looked interesting and checked the TV guide. There was an article written about your show. It stated that when the winner had been chosen and your secret reavealed that all contestents walked out including the one that had won, even declining the money, im not sure if this is true but its what i read. Now this is what really pissed me off, the fact that these men had been trying their asses off to win you over and were becoming quite good friends with you and then they just totally disrespected you and blew you off in such a rude manor.I think this was pathetic. they tryed suing the people who put the show together, this i think is reasonably acceptable because they were not fully aware of what they were doing and they had been told they were competing for a female( no offence). In saying that i would like to say again their reaction was pathetic, non of them are gentlemen if they cannot accept you for who you are. Do they have to be intimate with you? no only if they choose, so why do they have to show so much disrespect for an intelligent very nice person. even if you pulled off a mask and revealed you were a full male people shouldnt do what they did. Maybe this isnt so brief!! The other thing was the letter written by the "pschologist" Now who is he to recommend what is best for you without know you, for all he knows, your penis could be your most prized possesion. the one thing you definetly want to keep. anyway miriam i better cut it short, i really need to go to sleep. i guess what i really just wanted to do in this letter was to support you, though i know you most likely would be quite stable and confident, id just like to say: Keep it real, do not listen to anybody but yourself and positive people, please yourself with your body first rather then trying to please others. good luck finding your lover boy, wooh woooo hehehe anyway have fun miriam xoxoxodenise

Hey Girl!

Thanks for this wonderful email. I am getting thousands from Australia and am only going to have enough time to reply to a few. So to all the people reading this that have not received a reply yet - I am SORRY! I read everything and I am honored that so many people are taking the time to write to me and support me. It is really something else! And makes me really emotional.

I guess the show really shows all of the emotions, deceptions, secrets that are involved in love. i think the boys made a big mistake for themselves when they sued the show, the controversy just made it global. I don't want to critcise them (each to his/her own), they have their own side, but if they think they are man enough to sign up for a dating show what do they expect? That we all worship their manliness? I had a great time on the show. I am having an even greater time now! I guess they got some cash to buy a sports car or something. I don't care about their reactions now. At the time I was confused and nervous. It took a lot to say what I was in front of them let alone a whole camera crew! And you are absolutely right in saying that just by choosing to go on the cruise doesn't mean they get to sleep with THE LADY! But, then I think that was what was on their minds. They were completely different when they were together and without me. I was not the only one with secrets.

Any way, the soldier sucked off someone in a party so what's the big deal? I'm kind of ruefully smiling at the whole experience. I think the show has a great message and, by the amount of mail coming through I think the message is coming across loud and clear - and the message is be yourself, love what is inside and accept differences. I hope this is going a little way to help change this messed up world we live in.

I hope you are having a great life, don't worry about parents, love yourself and others and have all the courage in the world to be exactly what you want to be.

Thanks for writing.

Love and kisses.

Miriam X

p.s. new website going up soon with lots more pics and treats!

201) Now, you say you should be proud over who you are, then why did you become a girl? -M


I didn't become a girl! I was always a girl inside, what I have done is sculpt my body to match my brain. Making the outside become what I am inside. This is a biological fact, not a lifestyle choice. When I say be proud of what you are, what I mean is be what you are inside, if that's a lazy slob, then be it! If that's a loving parent, then be it! If thats a pacifist, then be it! If that's a party animal, then be it! As long as it does not harm anyone, we have the right to self definition.


Miriam X

200) Dear Miriam, I have read alot about you, and i truly feel grateful to know about your past. In my eyes you are 100% female, and will always be, your beauty is exotic, you are definately going places. I wish you all the best in your quest for a man, you deserve only the best, If the most beautiful woman in the world were a petal you would be a rose! You are truly one of a kind miriam!

Hi Chris,

That's a really lovely email. Thank you so much. I am a woman. That's what is deep inside of me, is every part of my being. I am so glad you wrote and really, really appreciate and love your kind thoughts.

Miriam X

199) Hi Miriam I calling myself Thea. Im a boy living here in norway , but im a girl too. I was born as a boy , but i feel like a girl , and i living like a girl. I have been to a doctor and that , but they don't care of me. but i no how you have it and i have it on the same way. Im a transsexual and im proud of it , i have nothing too hide for people. Im am a girl and people just have too live whit that. You are my star. Im am your biggest fan. Good Luck Miriam I hope we can write. Love Thea

Hey Girl!

Go, girl go! Find another doctor! There will be transgendered support groups in Norway. get as much support as you can and understand that you are not alone in what you feel. i want to wish you the best of luck in everything and take courage . The most important thing in life is to be true to yourself. Everything else is easy!

Miriam X

198) Miriam, Good for you, we haven't seen the show yet, soon though, you prove a Big point for the "Girls" in society. I have struggled for years over trangenderism, and I have realised I am attracted to transsexuals for many reasons.I am trying to find my true self in this world, and ladies like you help clarify my thoughts and have to be one of the most gorgeous, sensual, outstanding ladies that has ever reached the screen & opened the world to the realisation that you are simply a girl who like all f us wants to be loved for who we are. Thanks, and All of my Love, Simon. P.S. If you come Down Under, I would love to have a coffee with you :)

Hey I would love to have a coffee with you too!

Thanks for this and I hope that you find the person of your dreams. You seem to be really sensitive and I hope that finding your true self will be a great and exciting journey in life. THanks for your lovely email and I hope that you find everything that you are looking for.

Miriam X

197) I just wanted 2 say wow! u are totally stunning! I just cant believe tho u werent born a woman. I know alot of beautiful girls and believe me ur more beautiful then all of them put together. My friends would probablly think Iam gay for saying that but, Iam not gay and u trully are gorgeous. Lots of luck in finding the man of ur dreams anyone willing 2 pass you up is a fool!


Thanks for this wonderful email. I am getting so many beautiful emails from Australia. It is fantastic and means so much to me. I hope that the show goes down as well as everyone is expecting it. Hey, you are what you are!

Miriam X

196) I havnt seen your show yet it airs tomorrow but i think its great that you did a show like this. It is so great to see someone who is so comfortable with who they are. You are very beautiful and an inspiration to many. =]


I really appreciate this. I hope you will enjoy the show. Take care of yourself and have a great and wonderful life!

Miriam X

195) Congratulations Miriam, I am a Post-Op Female from Australia. Your series is airing here from tommorrow evening Tuesday 11th May - I have been posting on the Yahoo Group to ask male members a few questions - I have been suprised by the support for women such as us ! You show a positive view of Transexual Women in the Media which is a great thing and I applaud you for that, I am percieved as an attractive woman and I have always been concerned about whether to tell people the truth (I am Bi Sexual), so far I have not had any reason to do so at this point, and to think of it, why should I? I will be recieving media coverage in the following year through legal actions, and I hope it is more positive than negative - when that time comes I might seek your advice !! Good luck in your future career(s), you deserve it ! Kate

Hey Girl!

yeah, it looks like there are a lot of people out there who really care about girls like us. Its not just the fetishists! We only need to tell people our secrets when we get close to someone, and when we feel we can trust them. Its the same for everyone. I am so glad that the media are supportive. I guess times are changing and us exotic girls are capturing people's imaginations.

Good luck with your court case. I hope you win!


Miriam X

194) Hi Miriam, I think what you are doing is great. You are absolutely stunning and everyone within my work place thinks you are gorgeous. Your show starts here in Australia tomorrow night and most of us are looking forward to it. I think those that talk down about who you are and what you are doing and what you have done, are just jealous of your looks and popularity. You go girl! I am one fan who will support you all the way.


Thanks for this lovely email! I'm glad the show seems to be a hit in Australia. I'm coming soon - dates to be confirmed and I want to have a great time when I'm there! Check the new official website that should be up and running this weekend. Loads more pics. Thank you so much for your support, it makes me feel so wonderful.


Miriam X

193) Miriam You have become an inspiration to me, I am also a pre-op transexual. I think you are a wonderful role model and I wish you well! Love Kathy

Hey Girlfriend!

Go for it and believe in what you are. You are a beautiful creation. An Angel. Pure and brave. I am sure you are an inspiration to people. Be true and have a wonderful wonderful life!

Miriam X

192) Hi there! A friend just gave me your site address, and i have to say i'm very jealous. I'm 18 (M2F) and have been on hormones for about 7 months now (started when i was 17) i'm hoping after a while with the hormones and some skill with makeup (still learning lol) i may be able to look half as good as you. seeya -Josie

Hey gorgeous!

I am NEVER sick of people emailing me. I am so honored and lucky to have so many people all around the world who care and take the time to write to me. Go for it Girl! You have started on a big life journey and I wish you all the best with it. Never do anything you don't want to do, never feel under pressure from other's expectations. Take you time and learn to be happy with yourself every step of the way.

Take care, and thank you so much for your email.

Miriam X

191) hi Miriam just seen first part of there`s something about miriam on tv. an your beatiful Miriam if i was an milioner i woude have traveld the world around just to get a look at you,but i ain`t , so i have to dream to your pictures . your so fine on em, love girls like you but you are finest i ever seen hope you doing well and that THE SUN ALWAYS WILL SHINE ON YOU. LOVE YOU MIRIAM -from a tall and slim man 34 year old with blond hair and blue eys in norway

I wish you were a millionaire too! I hope you are enjoying the show in Norway. maybe I'll be coming out to do some press. Dream on boy!

Miriam X

190) dear miriam i am 14 yearsoldand i have red alot about u i like dressing upin mysisters cloths alot what should i do??????


All I can say is that we need to live our life as close to the truth as we can. It is not always easy and sometimes can be hurtful to other around us. But if we are lucky we find support from friends and family. Try to be yourself, if that is in secret for a time then that is ok. The main thing is that we should be guilty about what we are and try to be open and true.

I hope you have a great and exciting travel in your life. Take care and be careful and learn to accept what you are. Know that you are not alone!

Love and kisses

Miriam X

189) Miriam, You are absolutely devine and beautiful. We would love to see you in Melbourne, Australia and take you out on the great nightlife and day trips. Let us know when your in town. Mark xoxoxox


Looks like I'm defo coming to Australia. My management is negotiating details right now. Can't wait! I'm getting lovely emails from Australia - they're flooding in! Can't wait for the nightlife too!


Miriam X 188) Dear Miriam, Hi I am just writing to ask, for a lady as beautiful and fit as you, what kind of excerise or little "secrects" do you have to keep In shape? - Hamish

Hey baby!

I just do the normal things, do training, keep a healthy diet - though I do like to pig out on a hamburger every so often! Can't wait to come to Australia - will they like me there? Where is the best place to chill out? Is it hot?

Miriam X

187) Hi Miriam, I don t know if you re interested or not, but at the moment teaser adverts are being placed on local station Network 10 to promote your show, which starts May 11th (8 30 pm Australian EST). Primarily I have noted these seem to be during add breaks for Big Brother 4 another of that stations ratings hopes. They must have very high hopes for its success because they have placed you up against CSI, All Saints and The Bill heady company for certain; and then you lead into Rove Live (Rove McManus being the nations most popular interviewer/entertainer). Are you coming here to promote it? Regards, Brad.

Hey dude!

I'm real interested! Thanks for letting me know all of these things. I've been approached by network 10 to come over to Australia and hope that it can be worked out. I've always wanted to go and this would be a dream come true. I'm really excited that Network 10 have prioritized the show. I hope its going to be a hit! Hey, wouldn't it be great to be interviewed by Rove!


Miriam X

186) Dear Miriam Your show has yet to air here but I'm glad that it's going to be. I feel the world these days is becoming more and more accepting of difference and your show is helping people to confront how they feel; and whether the like it or not they'll learn to tolerate it. You're a beautiful person and that's all that matters. It's not humilating and people just need to accept love. Rock On Miriam and I can't wait to see the show


It looks like Australia is going mad for the show. I've been getting so many emails from your beautiful country. It is so great! Thanks for your lovely email. I can't wait either! Agree that we need a whole load of toleration in this world, I mean its the 21st century for fxxk sake! We gotta change this world, make it a better p[lace for our children. There is space for us all.


Miriam X

185) Hi There - you look fabulous.. Your show is going to air in Australia next Tuesday. Should be interesting. You look a bit like JLO.. any cosmetic surgury to achieve those results?

Hey girl!

I'm a natural woman! Only had boob job, nothing else. Its all natural latino!

Miriam X

184) Darn, Youse are fine and gorgeous, pure perfection! But I bet you get that all the time. Your show just gonna be shown over here in OZ, and I think the bloke who "won" really lost out in the end. Are you coming downunder anytime? Through I live in Wop Wop- nowhere near the big smoke. But still, I can always dream can't I. Anyways - Thats all , ta ta.


Looks like I'm coming down under! Definitely the guy who won lost out! We can all dream, who knows what the future may bring! Thanks for mailing me, really appreciate it. I'm in new York at the moment and it is so exciting to hear that the show is on in OZ and am hoping it is going to cause a bit of a stir. Keep posted on the Miriam sites, cause we are upgrading the official site real soon with a big new design and there is going to be a lot more galleries and stuff.

love Miriam X

183) Hi, As "Something About Miriam" is about to air in Australia, I have been looking at the website to find a bit more about you and the show. From what I've read about you, particularly the reply to a letter that was posted on one of the sites, I really admire you. I think it's wonderful that you are making decisions based on desire, not on "oh, this will make it easier for me to find love." I am actually a pre-op transsexual woman, but am thus far going to go post-op. I will re-evaluate when I get to the point where I am able to go ahead. I think that you being in the public eye is a very good thing, as we need to educate the world about people such as ourselves, so that they can understand that we're just normal people. I do not, however, think that the show "There's Something About Miriam" is doing anything good for us. I was horrified when they said "she is a he" on the ad. That's not doing anything for girls like me at all. Anyway, I just had to email you because I think you're beautiful and we should all strive to be as confident about ourselves as you are. Enjoy your life, and keep living to your own beliefs, not others! Ciao, Paige.

Hi girlfriend!

Thanks for this email. I know what you mean about the way the media uses the "shock" tactics. But I've learnt to understand that the way no normalize what we girls go through is for the shock stuff to happen to grab people's attention and then let the reality of what we are and what we live through come next. That's how it happened in the UK. wee need to ride the clichés and then expertly put the message out once we have everyones attention. It was great in the UK. People go to to understand what it is like to be like us and that it is a normal expression of being a human being. A lot of transgendered people were worried that the show would not be good for us, but once the show was out and the media really got involved with what it is like to be a transsexual, what people need to go through and that it is not a sexual perversion or a life style choice - it is a state of being.

When we were approached to make the series I was worried. But the fact that the series is so in the mainstream, so in the public eye and so controversial has been a good thing. Let the cliches run and then lets see if the "normalizing" message can get through.

Thanks for your kind words and support. They really mean a lot to me.

You have a great life, live it to the full and I hope you find fulfillment in what ever you do.

Go Girl!

Miriam X

182) WOW! First off I am a hetrosexual guy. Never been attracted to someone who is transgender (if thats the right word) anywayz I seen an ad on TV about the show Something about Miriam. I was sitting there thinking "WOW what a VERY attractive woman" Next thing I know Im shocked to hear the rest of the ad. But it really had an effect on me. Here I was attracted to someone who happened to be born male, yet that didnt seem to bother me as much as I always thought it would. Anywayz I will watch the show, and I guess in my own personal way, still be attracted to you. I must say - if I had met you and got to know you - I rekon it wouldn't make a differnce to me. And thats coming from a 100% straight guy (never had a thing for males) You've changed my whole outlook on this subject. May everything you've ever dreamed of come true XXX You sexy thang! ;)

Hey Sexy!

Thanks so much for this lovely mail. The real important thin is that I am a woman! Its a state of being. The fact that I am pr op is a decision I have right now because of the level of technology in medicine out there. I guess I am hoping that gender definitions will become more blurred and more accepted and the polarized view will change. I know that love or attraction is really about what is inside of you, the added extras are somethings that can be negotiated and accepted.

I'm glad that what I am did not effect you in the way you thought it would. hey, we are all different! It does not mean you are gay or what ever. Lets all just be what we are and if that surprises us then GREAT!

Hope you enjoy the show.

Love Miriam X

181) Dear Miriam, I am from Australia and we haven't actually seen the show you were on yet but I just saw the preview and was very curious so did a bit of reading on the net. It's sad that the winner seemed so upset... I mean I can understand feeling somewhat mislead but if he truly was falling for you he should be just as happy with you no matter what you had to tell him. You are an amazingly beautiful woman and I am sure you are an amazing person as well. I wish you all the best and hope you find someone to love you as much as you love them


Thanks you for emailing me. The situation at the end of the show is very complicated. I think if Tom had not been effected by the other guys he would have gone for it. He is a really sweet person. But then by suing the show it showed how gullible he was. I think he really, really fell for me, and was feeling really good that he was my favorite. I know he feels misused but that is just because he does not see the real point which is love is about two humans wanting to share and accept each other no matter what. There is always surprises when you get to know people and the decision is always do we go on together or not.


Miriam X

180) I watched all of your series and visit your official site every day checking for updates. I think you are absolutely stunning and was just wondering if there was to be a follow up to there's something about miriam. E.g. a documentary about yourself???


Am so happy that you check my site. We are in the process of designing a bigger better smarter site with a whole load of new info, pics, etc. It should be up in the next couple of weeks. I'm sure you will love it! There is no follow up planned with Sky One. We were talking to them about a documentary but I decided against it. It just seemed that the kinds of things they were wanting to do were the same old cliché's and was too close to the show. i want to do something different, grow beyond the show and see what else is out there.


Miriam X

179) HI MIRIAM:-) How are you? I don`t know so much about who you are yet,but "there`s something about miriam" is coming on tv here in norway soon.I`m excited and think it will be entertaining;-) I hope you are happy and enjoy life!!! xxx Linn


I'm excited too! Maybe I'll get tom come to norway. I hope you find it entertaining!

Miriam X

178) How big is your cock hun?? I'm a big transsexual admirer! I was just curious :)

That's for me to know and you to guess.

Miriam X

177) Hello Sweet Ms. Miriam. Just want to tell You that You are such a BEAUTIFUL & GORGEOUS young Girl, and hope the best for You in the future. Love John


Thanks hun, lovely to hear from denmark.

miriam X

176) Hi Miriam, 'There's Something About Miriam' air in Sydney Australia air next month. I'm looking forward to watching the series. I think you are very beautiful and a very sexy lady and I can't be but amused by other peoples comments which shows them up as ignorant and shallow. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the very best in your emerging singing career and will follow it with interest. Best wishes Gerry


Thank you for you email. These mean a lot yo me, give me a lot of support. No one is amused by ignorant and shallow comments, but unfortunately that is the way the world is. I've heard a lot about Sidney, that it is a very open city. look forward to coming soon to do some promotions for the show.


Miriam X

175) First of all i'd like to say you are a very beautiful woman. It makes me sad that some people only focus on what's on the outside and not on what's inside as well. Just wanna let you know that i support your decisson to stay the way you are until you feel it's time go post-op.Hope you won't let anyone push you into something you're not ready for. If you were my girl-friend I'd be very proud, that's for sure! Best wishes for the future, Ronny.

Thank you for this., I think the show is going to be screened in norway soon. I hope to come to your womderful country and see the fjords! I won't let anyone push me into that kind of decision. There are a lot of horror stories about bad surgery. One day I might go for it, but not now.


Miriam X

174) I do not care what is said about you miriam, you are beautiful in my eyes, and the guys who 'rubbished you' on TV are idiots, they went on the program to basically get laid and brag about it later, also the money played a large part. come to think of it the title said it all, so why did those idiots not go through with it, unless they didn,t know. anyway you did nothing wrong


Of course that's what they thought they would get! Do you think they gave a damn about what was inside of a woman when they started the show? THey just wanted to get in my pants and get £10,000 and be the big guys! Little did they know! Their loss not mine! Miriam X

173) Hi Miriam, I would love to come to New York and see you. If I come to New York, Would you go on a date with me? In my last email, I told you I was 45yrs old. Please don't think of me as a dirty old man. As I said before, Most men either abuse women or treat them as sex objects. That's NO WAY to treat women. Women crave attention. They want to feel special. If A man wants to get a woman's attention, Send them flowers for no reason. I would love to have a relationship with you. Please don't let my age be against me. You probably dated a lot of guys. WHO KNOWS!!!!!! someday you may fall in love with an older guy. Do you plan to make club appearances in Pennsylvania? Miriam, You're a beautiful person and there will always be a special place for you in my heart. Take care sweetheart. Love, Emil Jr

Hi Emil,

Thanks for all of you emails flooding in! No problems on a man's age, its what is inside that counts, although a hard body is great as well! You are not a dirty old man./ You are a sweet, sweet thing. I don't think most men treat women that way. Love to hear from you and maybe sometime will be in Pennsylvania! You always make me happy with your emails. Miriam X

172) wat are u some kind of sicko That makes me sick to see wat you did to those poor blokes man. any of them could have a mental breakdown because u. U thilthy transy. U wannaba a woman, well its bad luck because you will never be a woman. No love will ever come into your life freak of nature

Hi Dude.

Great to see that there are still thinking people on this planet! Looking forward to the series being screened in Australia, maybe you might learn something. Maybe not. Each to his own. Only, I'm not calling you a closed minded bigoted homophobe retrograde from the last century am I? Love and lost of sweat kisses all over your big juicy manly lips. Miriam X

171) Hi Miriam! How are you? My name is Vince and im a french parisian boy who loves you!!! Excuse me for my english not very good... I saw a little bit from the programme "There is something about Miriam" and i immediatly falled in love with you! Its such a good thing to can see a transsexual at TV and more in a real TV programm. I dream that you will answer to me and i send to you a very sweet french kiss! Bye bye Miriam! Vince

Bonjour !!!

Hey Vince is it true what they say about French men being the best lovers on the planet? I had a fantastic time in Cannes and love the sweet sound of the French language it is definitely the language of love! Thanks for your lovely email.

Miriam X

170) Hola Miriam I have just read the letter from Matt. He claims to be a psychologist so how in the blue hell can he spout so much crap. I am hetro and think you are beautiful. Hell there should be a picture of u in the dictionary beside the word perfect. Con todo mi afecto Dec.

Ha Ha ha!!!!

Thank you kind sir!

Miriam X

169) Hi Miriam, > Saw you on tv and thought you were stunning,this sounds bad but even > my dad took an interest in you,no disrespect intented,but he holds > rather staunch views on certain issue's,he also left another give away > sign too,he got a sudden interest in the internet,but he doesnt know > how to cover his tracks!!!the main reason I am e-mailing you is out of > confusion,I am about the same age as yourself and wondering where do > you draw your inspiration from,I have managed to fall into a trend of > what i shall call being a lazy bugger,I got loads of potential but as > I keep hearing is the old pidgeon holes as you keep refering to them > as.You need degrees for this and that,Although my confusions are not > of a sexual nature,I am just dropping you a line to see if I can draw > any inspiration or ideas from you. > One thing I notice from you is you keep your head held high no matter > what the confusion around you is,that i consider an admirable quality > in any person. > You seem like a person who could help with most situations and that is > why I am writing too you,Maybe you might be able to work out another > tv show along them lines,It would be a unique experience and certainly > shock those who mock you. > well regardless of whatever,I wish you the best > Regards,Michael


I'm getting loads of emails from the beautiful ireland! Thanks for the email. Well I'm glad your dad likes me! I don't care about people who "mock". Mocking is easy, living a spontaneous, courageous, and different life is not! I think the ability to be centered within the confusion has much to do with learning how to love yourself first. Not in an arrogant way, but in a way that learns to accept who and what you really are. Let the confusion exist! THere is nothing worse than a boring world of conformaty. And within it we can learn about each other and maybe find out a little more what life is all about. I'm actually a quiet person at heart. I just get on a do what I feel is right. Miriam X

168) Hola Miriam, I was just wondering if i could ask u a couple of questions with regards to the recent tv show you were featured on, theres something about miriam'. i'm writing a project for my final year piece on the politics of drag(Paris is Burning), transsexualism and challenging soicietal norms etc. by taking part in the show, did u feel that apart from taking the obvious 'dating' side to the programme, were u conscious of making, or wanting to make a subversive comment on 'normative' sexuality/society? also, did u feel that your latina heritage had anything to do with the negativity conveyed by the participants after the show, or that they would be just as, or even more so angry if it was a white british m2f? Gracias para todo y lociento que no puedo escribe solo en espagnol! p.s-that tom guy is sooo in denial! chau ! xx


Very good question. And this goes right to the core of why I did the show apart from the shear hell of it.

First, I don't think my nationality had anything to do with the boys decision. Their negativity is primarily about them being duped on TV. They felt that everyone except them know what was going on and all of their bravado about being chosen to be on TV cause they were man enough was turned right back against them. probably me being Mexican helped with the making of the show because it made me more mysterious.

The show is absolutely a subversive comment on normative sexuality/ society. It is also a comment on the rampant desire of people to go on TV. Is this an expectation that everyone can be famous just by being themselves? A kind of Andy Warhol proposition? What makes people think they are interesting enough for people to watch them on TV. What makes people think that they are "man" enough to be able to just turn up and win the hart of a woman? Why do people not understand that their participation in reality TV is for the audiences amusement and that when they join in they are being taken for a ride no matter what? What makes some people so egotistic and dumb that they miss the point - the point being that TV makers are using them right from the very very start? And why is their an everlasting queue for people to get involved - do we all crave fame so much that we think that we can short cut it and get some without the hard graft of being talented?

The show is absolutely subversive. It takes the main stream dating show and by turning it around highlights exactly what is going on - that there are always consequences about dating and searching for love. Do the boys really think they can find love on a TV set? Are they just playing for winning? Do they care that the "woman" is being emotionally seduced? Did they think that being on TV is going to be as real as real life? Did they not sign up for the consequences that reality is not all that it seems in real life anyway? The show also showed that the boys did to each other - the power games, etc. Change my transsexuality to some other secret - say I was a woman with three kids - would that have changed their minds? We all approach each other with a series of facades. Once we get to know people we open up and let the other person know a little more about you. Bit by bit. That is how we all act in real life. The real truth may never happen, but we move closer to it as our intentions with each other become more and more clear. The boys themselves where shown to be deceiving as well. They were one thing to me and another thing when they were alone together. What was real. What was the truth?

Also, the boundaries of sexuality are becoming more and more blurred. The boys discussed same sex experiences in front of the camera. So what was the big deal? I do not think it was me that caused the real problem. I think that in the end it was the fact that their ego's were so confronted by the fact that they were being duped all the way along. All of their bravado and Alpha male antics were turned right back at them.

In the end is the question - "What is love?". That was my interest. That is why I got involved. That is the question that is crucial for us all.

In the end the show was proposing two things - what do you "love" - what is inside or what is outside? What are the most important issues in "falling in love"? And what are the complicates that exist in a daring show? Why are people getting involved? I think the boys were looking for fame, why else go on TV? Why not just get on with your lives away from the TV screen. Why get involved?. They got it! If they had handled the situation in a more mature way they could have got even more. I do not believe that I hurt them. I think they hurt themselves from the moment they filled in the application form to be involved. They signed a pact with the devil and the devil is TV!

As far a society is concerned. A lot of people in the transgender community thought that I would make transsexuals be seen as lying freaks. This was a risk. But my interest was to show main stream society what we are. Our view of transsexuals is still colored by Jerry Springer type cliches. It was my intention to show how human and natural it is to be a girl like me. Luckily, this seems to have worked. And I am so happy and grateful about that.

I hope this goes someway to answering some of your questions!


Miriam X

167) Hi Miriam Are you the cover girl on Transvestite #3? Looks a lot like you! Great programme. Despite the fears from the transgender community, I know of a lot of men who are now intrigued/accepting of transgendered individuals as a direct result of your programme! Wish you the very best in all that you do Dave x


Don't know what you are talking about.

Anyway, thanks for the support and email. Likewise I was nervous about the fall out from the program. But is definitely seems to have been good fall out!

Miriam X

166) Hi there, I stumbled onto your site by sheer luck, I dunno how I even ended up on here. All I can say is wow! You are an inspiration. I have always considered myself as straight but I am definitly rethinking it. I have wanted to see if I could get into some reality shows because everyone always says I have a magnetic personality. And I feel sad that I missed out on yours. I would have loved to be there. Dont know how well I would have competed, but had I won I would have went on the cruise with you and then some. I could sit here and call you Beautiful but we both know you are and Im sure you have heard it a million times by now. I would just like to say I think you and your story are very intriguing. Meeting you may be unreachable but I definitly hope to meet someone with your qualities and determination to live and love life they way you want with no regrets. Many people would benifit if they had your kind of passion in their lives. love, josh


Straight, gay, bi...... all these are pigeon holes trying to quantify and qualify the myriad of sexual desires that really exist in our souls. Lets just be what we are. respect ourselves and each other! take care when you sign up for reality TV! It never what it seems! But if you want to do it - go for it, but go for it with your eyes wide open. Would love to have had you on the boat with me! Maybe it would have been fun!

Anyway, thanks for the kind email. Live life to the full!

Miriam X

165) Dear Miriam: I hope you have a great weekend, wherever you are. I'm a huge fan of yours, and I haven't even seen your show on Sky. No how about that? Your beauty, your smile and your unbridled sexual energy have radiated all the way through the net to my computer and made a true believer. :-) What an amazing woman you are, Miriam. What a journey you've been on -- all in just 22 years. As far as I'm concerned, FHM should have selected you as the sexiest woman in the world. Britney is sexy, but you add an intangible Latin twist that can't be equaled. Did anyone ever tell you that you have the most gorgeous eyes? They are beautiful beyond words. They pierce the soul. They are at the center of your mystery. To look into your eyes is to understand. I gladly signed the petition to get you onto the cover of FHM. You may be too hot for them, though. They may not be able to handle you. Imagine all their straight readers picking up an issue of FHM and realizing that you're the hottest girl they've ever laid eyes on. Confusing? Maybe. For 10 seconds. And then all of them would see clearly, perhaps for the first time in their lives. I see that you have some legal issues re your new single. I'm a lawyer. If you ever need free legal advice just ask. I'm at your disposal. Warm regards, Miriam. Rick


I hope you get the chance to see the show sometime. Thanks for the wonderful email! How did you find out about me?

Miriam X

164) Hi Miriam, How are you? I just wanted to say a quick cyberspace: Hello. You are an inspiration. But I am confused. Because I adore so-called shemales. Does that make me gay. I just wanted some clarification. Thank you. - ben


Like I've been saying to so many people. Gay, straight, bi. These are just words. You are what you are. Enjoy that and don't be confused. Just learn to trust yourself and don't go by how society wants to name you. These things (desire, love, etc() can't be explained in words. Its too deep in your soul. Just be what you are and have fun!

Miriam X

p.s. shemales is such a crude word! Have some respect for a lady!

163) Dear Miriam: You are so hot! What is like being so beautiful and sexy? Hey, would you consider posting your vital statistics on your web page -- things like your measurements, height, weight, etc? Many of your fans, including me, would like to know. Also, I would love to send you a gift, like a sexy pair of shoes or a pretty necklace? Do you accept gifts from your fans? Have a great day you sex goddess! Best, Rick


Thanks for you email. Good idea on the vital statistics. We are re-doing the official page with a lot more galleries, info and stuff, and setting up "Sensation" the official Miriam fan club where all kinds of things will be going on. Look out for the launch of it in the next 2-3 weeks. It will have those vitals on it! Would love to get gifts! On Sensation there will be an address for people to contact me direct on.


Miriam X

162) Mariam I am a 23 year old bi-sexual man,I gotta girlfriend but have the occasional fling with a lad I know.I have been fanticising about you since i saw you,you are a dream to me,I know this all sounds pathetic and you get this all the time but I would be proud to bring you home with me to meet the parents.On another note my latest dream is of you,me and Becks in a hot tub,Maybe if you play your cards right you might get the job as his new personal assistant in spain.It sure would make great viewing. Bye Darling, Love you,John


Maybe after the latest scandals Becks might need to become MY assistant! He should be careful with those text messages, lol. I met him and Victoria for dinner once. He is beautiful! Maybe he will be looking for people to share his hot tub now. Or will that million dollar diamond he bought Victoria smooth over everything. Fantasizing is not pathetic, just keep a control of it! Thank you for making me the object of you fantasy, boy! Take a cold shower and email me again!

Miriam X

161) You are very beautiful person, I have been a fun of yours for awhile. I am familiar with trouble a transexaul goes through. I date one for over a year, and she told me a bunch of horrid stories. All the time I was with I tried my best to make her feel like a women, when I kissed her I made her feel beautiful- the way a latino could only do. Unfortunately, I could not help her get over her drug habit and it brought her down. She never told me about the trouble she was getting into and one day she disappeared....I spent three years trying to find her, I searched the streets of Hollywood looking for her. Every now and then I still do. In our last conversation with her she told me she loved and grateful for how I made her feel, but that she had gotten some problems and she did not want to get me involved. She said it would be better if I did not date a person like her. I had no idea that would be the last thing she would tell me. I wish I could have made her believe when I said loved her for she was inside. I hope you find the love that you deserve, Miriam, and don't ever let anyone bring you down. You are both muy bella and smart. Remember the man that wins you heart is the lucky one, and go after a man . A man should always go after the women with respect and honesty. I will follow you career with a genuine heart and I wish you the best in every thing. Cause you are very stunning....Alfredo


Thanks for this really strong story. You know, it is hard being a girl like me. A lot of Tgirls are ostracized from society. It is very difficult to get the kind of jobs you would want when your ID says that you are male - and that includes passports. Also, there are a lot of sleazy guys out there who take advantage and abuse them. Added to that their own confusions, family problems, etc and it can get real heavy for a girl. Especially in the area of trust. It can get very very heavy. With shady shady people.

I'm sorry it did not work out for you and hope you are getting over it. And hope you find your one true love.

Miriam X

160) Great job, of course-keep up the good work proving to the world everyone's inborn humanity! I have a question, though; I noticed that at least a third of the articles on you directly following the lawsuit mention you're from Brazil. Any idea where they got that from? Brett

Hi Brett,

Not sure where that all came from. I guess it's some journalists being lazy. I am a Mexican girl! Born and bred!

Miriam X

159) Can't believe all those guys didn't want to talk to you after the truth was revealed! You're hotter than 97% of the women out there! Please, come to Norway and find the man of your dreams (incidentally I think myself would be an excellent choice *keke*). Enjoy life and good luck with everything! Love, T.


Thanks for this. Looks like I WILL BE COMING TO NORWAY later this year. The series is being bought by some Scandinavian sat company and I'll be doing promotions for the series and in clubs. I'm sure you are an "excellent" choice! Are you a Viking? Big, Blond and in love with pillaging? Seriously though, I can't wait to come to Norway. I have never been there. What should I wear? Will it be cold? What are the guys like? Do you have wolves? Does the sun never come up in winter? How do you think the show will go down?


Miriam X

158) Hi miriam i live in australia and heard about you and your show.Silly guys your very beautiful and look like a girl .They should have looked a bit deeper and saw that you have been a girl allways in your heart.I'm 22 and i really transexual girls.I haven't came out to my parents . I will when i find the right girl. With you and your show you are changing peoples minds and opinions . I hope transexual girls will be more accepted in society oneday. So i admire you alot and you have a lot of courage. Thank you - Craig


I hope you find the right girl. Australia is becoming really liberal. I would love to come soon, my friends have been and loved it. Tgirls will become more and more accepted. Its all part of evolution. We are breaking the chains that bind us and I am hoping for a world where we can all be what we really really are deep inside, to have respect for each other. The world is a big place and there is enough room for all of us to be individual and together. Lets look to the future and change today little bit by little bit. Don't worry about coming out. The truth is always the most important and sometimes it has consequences but that is better than living a lie. Be brave and true! And thanks for the lovely email.


Miriam X

157) I read your diary entry for 15th april and it made me a little sad. Don't let it worry you wheither you are pre or post-op. Personally, I think you are beautifull just they way you are. I say cause everyone needs a cuddle sometimes. Anyone who truely loves you won't care either, as you say times are changing and people's opinions are SLOWLY changing as well. mark x

You make me cry a little;. Thanks for the love and tenderness of your email. You are right, everyone does need a cuddle! I am still young, and have a whole life ahead of me and know that decisions about pre or post are things that will come in time and you can only do these things when you feel right. At the moment I love the way I am. Some people expect things to be so polarized, but there are a lot of places in-between where people feel comfortable.

Thanks again.

Miriam X

156) Dear Miriam, What can I say but you are gorgeous,and as a straight male I would be proud to have you as my tgirl friend.To me you are all woman and some. Lots of luv Paul. xxxx

Thanks for the lovely message and taking the time to write to me. Am glad you see through the gender stereotyping that plagues this world. It's great to be secure that people are seeing me for what I am and I appreciate you taking the time to let me know.

Miriam X

155) hello miriam, I have read your story on I would like too address one issue raised within it, namely your decision to stay pre-op which I respect BUT:- Your mum said "why stay half and half" I think she said this as if you wish too attract a open minded straight guy then I can say speaking as one that post-op is the way too go. When us guys look at a female we find all of her attractive............. You have a beautifull face, a nice in shape body, and nice female breasts but male groin organ (nice way of saying penis I I know this what a pre-op transsexual is but you have obviously gone through alot too become a woman, I know its a major stage but i'm sure it would help in your quest too find love. Because...........genuinely straight guys won't find you sexually aattractive due to the male groin organ. Gay guys usually seem to like macho/str8 guys......they like men to be men (I know I have some gay friends) Bi-guys will usually return to their wives.................. Sorry if that is a bit of a downer but thats the way life is, if you want happiness/love maybe time to conform (just a little) Maybe you'll find a guy who will accept your pre-op status but i'm sure they are few and far between and will severely limit your future dating opportunities. Bye the way I am a psychologist by trade and have studied human sexual behaviour so feel qualified to comment. matt


Thanks for you email. I don't know if I agree with you. Should I go post op just to find true love? Surely the reason to go post op would be because I need to do it, that it is a driving desire within me rather than just to hopefully attract some man? That's a bit like saying that a woman should conform to men's expectations and wear make-up or suspenders rather than be themselves. There are a lot of guys out there who are attracted to girls like us. A lot of guys who see past the "groin area" and fall in love with the person and then accommodate the things that come along with it. Going post op has a lot of consequences, I am not sure that medical technology is good enough yet. A lot of Tgirls get depressed after the operation. Some don't.

I know that if I go post it will be because I decide and not because I need to conform. I understand your sentiments but there are enough beautiful guys out there! You would be surprised how my dating opportunities are not limited! Don't go by the show. I have a great time with guys!

Rather than conform, let's look for a world that is a better place to live!

Miriam X

154) Hi Miriam, I wish I knew where in New York you were staying. If I had your address, I would send you a dozen of long stemmed roses. I would love to date you. It's a shame I wasn't one of the contestants. I would have loved to spend a week with you on your yaht. Miriam, YOU'RE INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL!!!!!If ever you're in Pennsylvania, Please look me up. I would love to hear from you. I have both websites on my favorites and plan to keep it there. You're a beautiful person and there will always be a special place for you in my heart. Take care. Love, Emil Jr

Emil, Emil,

You send so many fantastic emails to me. I really love them. I'm so flattered that you adore me so. Maybe we will meet one day. You are such a romantic at heart. Do you open doors for the ladies?

Miriam X

153) Dear Miriam Hello I have been a fan of yours for years , And I'm so happy that your Carrier and life in generally has taken off . Putting aside for a moment how beautiful you are on the outside there has to be more than that no matter what people say you judged more from who you are on the inside , because that shows in everything that you do . what I see in you is a sweet gentle spirit so if anyone tells you any different there not blind for even blind people can see / perceive true beauty I would claasify them as clueless I myself am a black male in my thirties a little over weight but other wise invisible when I walk through life so I see the bad things in people as well as the good things . I'm a eye person when you communicate and have contact with people you mostly look there and most times the eyes truly shows the person the life who they really are inside your eyes inside you beats the heart the soul of a beauty a beautiful flower. Take care Miriam HAVE A LONG AND HAPPY LIFE . LOVE ERIC


Thanks for your truly wonderful email.

I guess we all have good and bad in us. I can be a bitch at times! But thanks for saying I'm a "beautiful flower"! Lovely! When you say you are invisible, does that mean you don't want people to see you?

Miriam X

152) Hi, it is me NEELAM. i would love it if you would start of with your reply with I LOVE U NEELAM. it would make my friends really jealous. i would like to say it was not me that wrote that last letter, i am not really like that, my friend was at my house and he typed in the start of the letter. i am not really like that, i am really a nice guy. i hope you find a man in the near future and i am looking forward to seeing your latest photo shoots and i hope u are having a fun time. but you never answered what was written by me that was what is your favourite colour. i hope u start your reply with I LOVE U NEELAM.

I LOVE YOU NEELAM! How's that big boy? I'm sure you did not write the last letter! Of course not! Of course you are a nice guy! The photoshoots should be up in a week. We are re-designing the site. It's going to be bigger, better, badder! Take care sweet thing! Miriam X

151) Hi Miriam I hope you are well. You are looking fantastic in your pictures thats for sure. I wish I had seen your TV programme but I don't have sky-from what I hear you showed those guys to be really narrow minded. Maybe later they will look back and regret what they have missed. I am a tranny girl myself, I love to get dressed up and go clubbing, wish I looked as gorgeous as you. Anyway take care Miriam, maybe our paths will cross one day, I hope so. Lara xx

Hey Lara, You are gorgeous, we are all gorgeous in our own special way! Just be yourself girlfriend!

Miriam X

150) hey miriam..... how u doin gurl.. i wanna ask you HOW DID u get to look sooo HOT and sexy .. am 19 I REAAAAAAAALLLLLY wanna loooook hot ... any tips? JUST ANYTHIN ... cyaW

Hi, I am doing Fantastic, thank you. You can call and thank my mamma! My only tip for you and everyone else is BE YOURSELF!

Miriam X

149) Hey Miriam, Just wanted to say i think you are very brave. I admire you! Thought you might find my story interesting. A few years ago when i was at university, i met a girl who just captivated me, she was from Thailand. I new that she had been hurt before so always was intent to take things slow. The worst thing happened- I fell in love with her!! I knew she felt the same way. One day suddenly she became distant and cold, she finished with me the next day. No excuse only that she could only be a friend. I was gutted!! Took me a while to get over her we both allowed ourselves to get to know each other- Who we were not what we were. I bumped into her a year later, she told me the truth. She, like you, was only born a male. Other than that she was all female. I was supprised, but it made sense. She told me she finished it before i or she could get hurt by the truth, we were too involved. I asked myself a big question, What would i have done if she had told me when we were a couple? Truth is it would not have changed a thing (shocked sure)but i loved her so much- Truth is the penis would onky have been a little thing in the way :-) But anyway too late now i moved on in my life, as did she. Sorry to bore you. Your honesty and self security are something to be proud of, and there r plenty of guys out there who would fall for you. Take care Sean x

Hey Sean, I am sorry things didnt work out with that special lady. Its very unfortunate things happen the way they do. However, I can totally sympathize with your story. I had have similiar situations in the past. Now, I have come to the realization honesty is the best way to go. You have to be true to yourself before you can be true to others. Everyone is different in the sense she thought the truth will hurt you so letting you go was the only way. It pleases me to know that if she was honest from the get go you would have accepted her. It is important in todays day in age to be accepting of all people regardless of color, creed, religion, ethnicity and even sexuality. If we all strive to be better human beings, the decisions that lay before us will be much easier to make. And the fact that your decisions would have been an accepting one, will allow people to be less judgemental.

Thank you for sharing your heartfelt story! I wish you all the best.

Miriam X

148) Hi. My name is Mike,and I'm a techno/electronic artist in Illinois. I have to tell you that you are truely,truely absolutely GORGEOUS!!! I'm sure you hear that all the time,but I felt that after reading your story,and seeing how determined you are to be successful,I just had to e-mail you and say,"Go 'on wit yo bad self,girl!!!! :-) I was wondering if you would need any music,or remixes,and if so I'd be truely,truely HONORED to help in any way possible. Anyway,I've probably bothered you enough,so I'll end this email here.I hope to hear from you soon,but if not,I understand.Just don't ever give up on anything,and follow your heart. :-) Have a good one,and don't work too hard,k? Sincerely, Mike

Hey Mike, How's it going? I would love to work with you someday. I will keep you in mind. For me music is my passion. When you have passion for something it will definitely give you the drive and determination to succeed in life. Thanks! P.S. send me a mix of your music. I would love to hear it.

Miriam X

147) Hi Miriam, Theres probably a one in a hundred chance of you reading this - but I thought Id give it a go. Just wanted to say how brilliant I think you are and how sorry I am that you didnt find love on TV! You deserved better than any of those - will a 28 year old doctor like me do??? lol I would love to email you some more - if you read this and smile then thats cool too. Best wishes, Neil


I DID read this and smile! And thanks for taking the time to send it. Of course a 28 year old doctor will do!

Miriam X

146) Hello! I have to tell you that i adore your courage, inteligence, and beautyness. I cannot believe that people insult and disrespect you as ive read on the web, and i would like you to know that i dont and would help you feel better when you feel down anytime. I would love if you could respond to me, but if you cannot ill understand that you are bussy. Take care and ill be sending you other emails. ¡Hasta luego guapa! Glen xx


Thanks! I guess you have to take the insults along side the flattery. The show was controversial and its easy to take a swing at me for a cheap laugh or because people do not understand. One thing for sure, when people get angry and insulting you know that you are confronting people's preconceptions and conservatism. I don't care about the stupid or narrow minded things that are said. But am glad that what I am doing is rocking the boat in my own little way. You do make me feel better just by writing this email and I really really appreciate it.

Miriam X

145) dear miriam, i have read your diary which was about gender issues and same sex marriage .... you really give me strength that eventhough i am also like you ... you make the world more interesting to live... you give me strength to be what i really am never be ashamed of what i am .... you really are beautiful and the fact that you are confident that you share yourself transparently to others, makes you as a person who is also beautiful inside.... in our country the philoippines, we are being discriminated and being criticized for what we are and deprived of the social and emoyional freedom that we all as humans deserve..... its bad... and its very sad... and yet its the reality we have here.... But when i visited your site you made me feel that amidst the judgement people make out of us, we dont need to conform to what they say that we should and not ... You gave me strength to become myself and be what i am .... thanks miriam... yours, gia


It is great getting an email from the Philippines. Thank you for the kind comments and am glad you are getting strength to be what you are. It is always important to try to be as true to yourself as possible but circumstances can be very hard. It is very sad that institutions and societies discriminate about things they do not really understand. The world is so full of hate, misunderstanding and violence. We do not need to conform, and at times we suffer the consequences. But the world is a big place and there are always places and people who accept people the way they are. I am glad I am helping to give you strength, that means a lot to me. Emails from people like you give me strength.

Take care, and I hope your life is fulfilled.

Miriam X

144) hello miriam, i would just like to say that you are a very beautiful girl and that i have admiration for you for being out there and being strong and unafraid to be who you are. it's always difficult these days to be yourself in this world. i'm sure that you inspire others, keep up the good work. ... and hopefully we'll see you on FHM soon! this tuesday i leave to travel around the world for a year. i hope to meet inspirational people, and at the same time inspire people. so if you feel like an infrequent email conversation, simply reply, tell me something of yourself. peace, bren, irish.


Would live to hear about your travels around the world.

Miriam X

143) Hi Miriam, I'm sure that you get more emails that you can handle, so I wont take up too much of your time. I just wanted to say congratulations on your recent success! I'm fast becoming a huge fan, and I'm looking forward to your future work, your music in particular (can't wait for a CD)! is fantastic, and will surely tell the story of your taking over the world! I'm looking forward to the rule of Queen Miriam! Honestly though, you should be very proud, and deserve all the praise that you surely must recieve! Congratulations! A fan, - Chebby

Hi! THank you for your kind words. I'm glad you like the site. We are updating it with a new design and 6 more photo galleries soon. Seriously though, I am just trying to be me and am not sure what the future may bring. I am hoping that I can build something long term. It is not about success, it's about doing things that really interest you. I consider myself really lucky to have gotten this far. It's been a strange and exciting life. With great times and terrible times. At least it has not been boring! Miriam X

142) Hi Miriam I hope you don't mind me writing to you. My name is John and I am a 30 year old television producer who has been captivated by your beauty. I am 6 foot 1 and an ex-model. I have dark hair with blue eyes. I work out four times a week and have a toned muscular physique. I am relaxed, friendly, intelligent and trustworthy. I no longer model - but I am a successful television producer. I would be truly honoured if you would reply to this email and I will send you a picture of me immediately. I really would love to hear from you. Best wishes, John


What shows are you doing?

Miriam X

141) Hi Miriam, YOU'RE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IN EXISTENCE!!!!!!!! I want you to know that you always have a friend in me. You deserve everything life has to offer. I wish you and your family a happy and safe Easter Holiday. I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER YOU!!!!!!!!! Take care. Love, Emil Jr.

Hi Emil,

Thanks for your many emails. Yes, we had a great Easter. It was a time to relax after such a busy schedule. I hope you had a great Easter.


Miriam X

140) Hi Miriam just wanted to say I think you totally stunning and if you ever want a cute young scottish bloke to go out with let me know Neil


Do you wear a kilt? Do you wear anything under your Kilt? Is it true what they say about Scotsmen?

Miriam X

139) Nice web site! I will back to check on it frequently. I am curious about your music. I could not get clips to work - guess they are not ready yet. (I'm also a T - somewhat of an activist and educator in AZ) Good luck with the sight and the Music. Alison


I'm really glad you liked my site. We are going to be updating it with a brand new design in a couple of weeks. We have so much more content to put on it we need to find a way to expand it. The clips will be up with the new design. We have had problems in the UK with releases because Telstar, one of the major record companies, went bankrupt and that has sent shock waves across the industry. What we are thinking about at the moment is to release the first single on the web as a $1.50 download and build up an interest through the internet. It just seems the more natural way of doing things and means that my fan base which is all over the world will have first access to it at the same time.

I would like to know if my fans think this is a good idea. What do you think everyone?

We will let everyone know how things progress.

Miriam X

138) Hi. I would just like to say that you're incredibly beautiful, and I admire you for having the courage to be who you are. You seem like a very strong, determined, and wonderful person. I wish you the best of luck with your life, and I'm confident that you'll find someone who loves you for who you are. Also, I was wondering...and I'm sorry if this sounds rude...are you only attracted to guys? - Nic


Thanks for your compliment. Yes, I am only attracted to guys. Don't worry about asking. When gender stereotypes get blurred there is space for all kinds of attractions and desires.

Miriam X

137) I just had to tell you. I think you are the most intoxicatingly beauty.I have seen in many years I find you intreguing and very smart. i would love to meet you but know that is what all your fans want . take care luv Roy (Redwolf)

Hey Redwolf!

Thanks for the lovely email. It is great getting so much mail from the States. The show has not been broadcast in America yet but it seems to have made an impact already. How did you find about about me and the show?

Miriam X

136) Dear Miriam,

Im a Black female, a well-known Classical Musician (Pipe Organ, Harpsichord, and Chorus Conductor). I am about to begin furthering my career as I have just had my first round of Music published. Soon, I will be cutting a CD to be represented by a major company to promote my concert career.

However, I am writing you because we are similar.

I too am a pre-operational Transsexual woman. I began my transition about 3 years ago. I have a great amount of support from my family. Thats something us ethnic woman don't usually have. 99 out of a hundred people think I am a natually born woman (and thats of course what we want)

Im so upset that the guys on the show reacted the way they did. In a way, it probably was expected. If it were done in private, you'ld probably happily be with Tom right now.

I know exactly where you are comming from tho, Miriam. The Society views Male to female transsexuals and nothing but men who are trying to become women as a scape-goat to attract heterosexual men.

However, you and I know thats completely obsurd. They never get exposed to girls like you and I. Those of us who have Identified as natural women/females from a very early age. For me it was 4 years old.

So, of course, you and I both know that the minute you disclosed that you are a woman...who happens to be transsexual...they no longer viewed you as a loving, kind, sweet, sexy, beautiful woman...but as a man trying to be such. How pathetic society is for planting closed mindedness.

Girls like you and me (those who live, work, play, 24/7/365 as our female selves) urn for guys expecially, to see us as full women.

Im appalled at the responses you have gotten on here from "tranny chasers" who want to have sexual fantasies with you. They can go pay some ugly escort. Then again is another situation: guys who probably saw you as a person, but they find out and you are an object of fantasy and not an emotional being.

Anyway Miriam, stay beautiful, and maybe I will meet you when my career takes me to NYC.

Lovingly D'


Great to hear from you. Am so glad that you have the support of your family. It makes things a lot easier. I agree that Tom was really put on the spot with the TV show, and when the boys all ganged up together I think Tom panicked. I knew what I was getting into with the show, and understood that in the end its just TV so I did not expect to necessarily find true love on the show. I know that society can see male to female transsexuals as "gay men in hiding" but also times are changing and there are so many documentaries out there that are explaining that transsexuality is a natural phenomena.

I think I have been really lucky, the newspapers understood my story in the UK and the support I have been getting from people all around the world has shown that we can be understood.

Hope that your career goes really well, and please let us know when you are performing in NYC. Would love to come along.

Miriam X

135) I have to say you are the most beautiful woman i have ever seen. That guy was wrong for not wanting to go on the cruise with you. i am crazy about you and cant stop thinking about you. you are so beautiful. - Lee

Hey! Thanks for the wonderful compliment. I don't think the guy was wrong. He had to follow his own heart. I think he was mixed up and under pressure from the the other guys and his paranoia about the cameras. It took a lot of courage on my part to be true on camera. I think he would have come with me if we had been on our own. But then, the whole point of the series was to get that final TV moment!

Miriam X

134) Hi Miriam (oh queen) I am 21 and never believed that i could transform and be accepted,UNTIL NOW. But after seeing you i realise although that i am different i still can be beutiful, Although i am very very feminine and look very pretty, i thought i would always be percieved as a man. But now i realise that although different i can still be the WOMAN that i am... And appeal to others... I wish you lots of luck, think you are exceptional and DREAM to be an inspiration like YOU!!! MANY THANKS DIONNE XXX

Of course you can still be beautiful! Be what you really are deep down and that is what will appeal to others. If you feel a woman inside then you are a woman! It's what your spirit is that's important, everything else we can change and adapt. Go for what your heart desires, take courage and step out into the unknown!

Miriam X

133) I just wanted you to know i think your fantastic!! and if i was the guy that got to spend the week with you i would be amazed and overjoyed!! if your still single maybe think of me :) love Jase

Yeah I'm still single! But having fun! Would love to come to Australia some time soon. :)

Miriam X

132) hi sorry dont want to sound like a evil young 19 year old lad but what you are dong is wrong even when you walk down the street you lead people on and in my eyes that is decsitfull. Even if you think that your ok and people around you think it ok, it not the way look it the fact that you not the full person you should be and the day you do that is the day you become a better person in my eyes and alot of other peoples eyes ps sorry in i pisssed you off! ozzzzb

p.s sorry for any spelling errors

So, who says what I am doing is wrong. In whose eyes? In "God's" eyes, in societies eyes? What rules do we all have to be chained to? It is only deceitful if all that people look at are the gender polar opposites, and that is not what the real world is. Everything is changing. Its blurring. And I think that is for the good. What is wrong with me just being what I am. Its for me to make the decision whether I have full operation or not and when. I don't "lead" people on walking down the street! If I get close to someone, I always tell them and then it is up to them to decide what they want to do.


Miriam X

131) hi miriam,my name is joe.i read about the you were on.your a very pretty girl.sounds like your life is on a crazy rollercoaster.i truely hope you find the man of your dreams.i doubt that will be very hard,you seem sweet.good luck with all of your dreams.if you ever need a friend in l.a.let me know...joe

Hi Joe, thanks for such a sweet email. I really appreciate it. I get some rude emails from guys and it's nice to get one that's so lovely. Miriam X

130) Thanks for web-site, I hope you will post more pictures soon,I love every one of them. You are incredible, smart and beautiful in EVERY way! Love, Shawn


New pictures should be coming up soon. Would love to visit Germany some day soon.

Miriam X

129) Hi Miriam, I'm from the UK and think you are totally stunning no matter what background you have! You have to be proud of what you have acheived in life, the guys in the show were really shallow and immature i am only 24 but probably would have acted older than they did when they found out the truth. I know thats easy to say 'cos i wasn't in the show but you are very beautiful and have a gorgeous body, i really think you should show it off more! Good luck in the future and keep your head held high, WE WANT MORE OF MIRIAM!! xxx - Simon

Thanks for your kind words. I think the guys just panicked. What was worse was that they tried to get the show taken off the air. It just made them seem silly, I mean it was a reality TV game show, what did they expect!!!! Maybe they are thinking differently now, I don't know.

Miriam X

128) Hey there, I am a m2f also and you are a great inspiration to me. I am scared to do this but seeing women like you makes me feel that I am a real woman and not a freak which is giving me the courage to go forward and know that I will recieve the acceptance that you, Tula, and Dana International are getting. GO GIRL!!!!!!!!! Love and Blessings - Fiona

I will do! I'm glad that people can take strength from each other. I get strength from you too. You are a real woman. And the world will know that too.

Miriam, X

127) Just wanted to say how amazing you are. I look at your pictures and I see the most beautiful woman in the world. I close my eyes and I can see you and me in a fancy resturaunt, drinking fine wine, laughing and having fun... - Eric


Miriam X

126) Hey Miriam, I found your website and have to admit that you are extremely brave. I am a crossdressor and can bearly even think about going out in public, but you -- you started hormones through grade school! That must have been a rough time. I know it was rough for me and I didn't take hormones. I plan to have SRS surgery some daym and hope by then society will be more accepting of people like us. I really enjoyed looking through your site and think that you are absolutely stunning. I look forward to reading your story once it gets posted. Is there any kind of special hormones you'd recommend (because your combination obviously worked!)? Anyway, take care. Hope your show is a HUGE success. -Jennifer


The world is changing. It has to! Be brave and be yourself. Am sorry that I have not been able to post the story. I have been so busy over the past 2 months. My management are always asking for it. I'll do it soon! Take care.

Miriam X

125) Hi. Well done for the standing up and putting yourself up for potential humiliation like that, rejection is never easy. I think you've done more for the "community" in a few months than all the millitant ramblings that we hear sometimes. I have lived with a t-girl for the past 3 years and have never been happier, that special person is out there waiting for you, we're not all just looking for sex. Good luck. - Andy

What's wrong with just sex! Thanks for your support, it means a lot to me. We were all nervous that the "community" would be against what I did, but I think it really has helped normalize t-girls to a wider public. I don't want to stand for anything, but hope what I am doing is for the good.


Miriam X

124) I think you are REALL FUCKING FIT. I dream of you every night and i masturbate over you every night. i hope you are having a mother fucking good time at the moment. my question to you is what is your favourite colour? and what reaction do you get in your home town? LOTS OF LOVE YOU BEAUTIFUL GIRL, LOVE NEELAM. if you reply could you start it of with I LOVE U NEELAM as i would print the reply of a million times and show it to all my friends and they will be so jealous. - Neelam

Hey, treat me like a lady and then I might start my reply with I LOVE U.

I am having a great time. Have just finished 6 photo shoots sessions and they look great! In one of them they made me look like a goddess. I'm going to post them on the website in a couple of weeks. I'm in training at the moment because I'm going to Cannes Film Festival so I've got to be good!

Miriam X

123) I would like to know if you are planning to get married to your dream man in the near future. - N

That's for me to know and you to find out! So, do you think Becks has been sleeping around behind poor old Posh's back?

Miriam X

122) I want you so bad please. please give me a chance. you are who gave birth to u. I want to thank her. Listen I will give you the world. I don't care if you have a penis. Can we meet up one day. I am in love with you. I would love to put my penis in you. I want to feel you. please - Jacob

Jacob, I don't know how to respond to your letter. I am flattered and insulted at the same time. Honey, I consider myself a lady and expect to be spoken to as one. I am sure you can find a way to get your message across without being so explicit and graphic! - Miriam X

121) I read your fan mail and i guess that you get letters like this alot so sorry for wasten your time - Damian

Hi Damian, Why in the world would you think you are "wasting my time"? I hope my letters don't come across as my fans being a "waste of time"? If you read my fan mail carefully, it specifically states I am never too busy for my fans. Without your letters and support there would be no fan mail, there would be no MIRIAM. So please don't ever think for one second you are "wasting my time". I honestly enjoy and love hearing from my fans. I want to hear and know your thoughts and feelings. It is great to know there are people in this world who support me through all this. To know I am not alone makes me feel at ease. So please keep writing. It is never enough!

Thanks a Million

Sincerely your friend, Miriam X

120) Hi miriam i'm glad to see so many guys! responding to you in such positive way; i'm a friend of miriam i'm a mother too ..and ...i can tell you this .... miriam is a fine person who is kind,and as female as it gets !.. even though... i talk to you all the time.. i thought it will be nice to leave you a little note and say hello after all what are friends are for then to support eachother ...keep up with the good work love Donna!

ps: see you soon!

Hi Donna, You have always been there for me and you never gave up on me. Thanks for your love and support. You are more than just a friend to me and you know that. I love you til death.

Miriam X

119) Hi Miriam, I want to wish you the best of luck on your singing career. If you want to reach international stardom as a singer and actress, Then YOU GO GIRL!! KNOCK EM DEAD!!!!!!!!! There are two things you need to know. GOD makes ALL things possible and ALWAYS REMEMBER!!!!! Without your fans, There is no Miriam to speak of. Take care and Good Luck. Love, Emil Jr

Hey Emil, How are you? I hope all is well. I absolutely agree with your statement. "God does make all things possible and without my fans there is no MIRIAM to speak of." I want to say Thank you to you and all my loyal fans. I honestly appreciate your love and support. Thanks for writing, it means a lot to me. Sincerely, Miriam X.

118) Hi there, I haven't seen the show but I stumbled upon your website. You are fuckin hot!! More power to you. Not enough people are brave enough to be/show who they really are; I salute you. Your family is awesome for supporting you. Good luck in the future! - Delia

Yes, my family is wonderful. For me family is key. Knowing I have their love and support makes my decisions a lot easier in life. Thank you! Sincerely, Miriam X

117) Hi miriam as you gather from my details that I written that i am not born in england but nevertheless i lived in this country nearly 15 years i like you had relationships go sour on me just because of my good nature ,by the way let me introduce myself iam a mediteranean guy iwas born in lebanon i am 30 years old until recently i thought i would only fancy girls but after watching you on television iwas smitten i wished to god that was me there instead of that idiot who was playing with your feelings all along if i was there and you told me about your sexuality my feelings for you still would not have changed i still would have gone on this trip-sod the money-so i would get the chance to know you better nevertheless if you find it in your heart to reply to my mail it would be a great moment in my life i appreciate you are a busy woman maybe that knight in shining armour is not in the social place your looking .Ilook forward to hear from you who knows I might be the night your looking for!! - hicham

Marahaba, I would like to let you know I got shivers down my spine. I always found Mediterranean men appealing. Thank you for your words of kindness. Indeed, you are a Knight in shining armor. Shukron Habibi!

Miriam X

116) Hi Miriam! I wanted to tell you how beautiful you are! I am a M-F pre-op transsexual living in the US. Wish I could be as beautiful as you. I would love to meet you sometime and have a great conversation. Hugs, Lori

Hi Lori, Thanks for the compliment but let me tell you we are all beautiful in our own special way. I would love to have that conversation with you in the near future.

Good luck!

Miriam X

115) Hi Miriam I enjoyed very much watching you on tv, it's a pitty the show didn't allow for getting to know you better, you come across as a lovely warm person. I'm sure you have got a lot of mail from the Transsexual community and something you said on the show made me want to let you know that if you wanted the full operation you shouldn't loose the sensation that you are fearing, if you find the right surgeon things should be just as wonderful as before. I'm definately not trying to talk you into it only to let you know your fears maybe unfounded. On another note your website is great and i am glad to be able to continue to follow some of the things you care to share with us. May you only find happiness in all that you do love michelle xx

I am so happy to hear you like my website. It means alot to me. Also, I am very very happy with myself right now. For me, having a sex change is a big decision that i am not ready for in my life at the moment. Thanks for your concern! Sincerely, Miriam X

114) I just wanted to say that you are so beautiful and I wish you the best of luck finding that special someone. - Andrea

Thank you, I hope to find that someone special as well. Someone who won't judge me and will accept me for me. Thanks for the support. Miriam X

113) Dear Miriam, Having just seen the final show i would just like to say how appalled i was with the reactions of the contestants. They were big cry babies not giving a moments thought to your predicament and how difficult things were for u. I say good on u.... and i really hope that you find someone who accepts you for you. I have no respect what so ever for men who sue and then magically are ok with everything when they have a bit of cash in their pockets. If i knew any of the men personaly i would be ashamed to be associated with them. All the best for a fantastic future.. you truly deserve happiness! Take care. Sandy.

Hi Sandy,

Rejection is something I've always had to deal with since I decided this is who I want to be. And Yes, rejection is always difficult. But, remember in times of difficulty perseverence will guarantee a long, happy, and healthy life.

Miriam X

112) hi miriam i just watched your show i must say it was great excellent and i respect you for who you are and i hope everything goes well for you i cant wait to hear your music keep up the good work love tom xx


Miriam X

111) Hi Miriam, i just had to say i wish i was one of those guy's on the show, i think you are great and the best looking girl on tv for a long time, thoae guy's missed out so much they should have taken the chance to get to no you a bit more, that's all for now. love pete XXX

Hey, thanks..... why don't you write to FHM magazine and suggest they let me do one of their covers? They told my management it would be too confusing for their readers. Hey everyone. Could you all write to FHM magazine and request a Miriam Cover? Now that would be people power!

Miriam X

110) hi, miriam, are u busy these days? i think probably...well, take care, don't make yourself too tired, or u will get sick...well, do u have asian fans? i come from hong kong, a beautiful asian city...will u come to asia one day? - edmond

Hi, that is so cool that I have a fan from Hong Kong. I would love to visit Hong Kong. I love to travel and see the world. Hopefully soon. Thanks for writing.

Sincerely, Miriam x

109) I really love you since I saw you in bobst-girls. I said she is ultimate, the prettiest girl I ever seen. YOu did it so good on UK TV. I am very happpy for your success. XOXO. Alex

What is bobst.girls? Not sure what you mean. But thanks for watching my show, it means alot to me.

108) 29 male slave and house boy seeking Mistress or couple for real life 24 7. I will clean the house, do the luandry, take care of all the house work and many more


I already have a house cleaner. Thanks for the offer though!

Miriam X

107) Miriam I am a fun loving man and regardless of what people may think I believe you could find true love with me. Gary

Hi, if it's meant to be, it will be!

Miriam XXX

106) Hello Miriam, I have see your link at Tg personals, and I have see you webpage. I hope you are ok. I Know you are busy, and dont want to waste your time. The only reason why I write you is because, I am divorced, and I am in search of the tgirl of my dreams. Are that you? Coz it is not that what i want, but more what the other person want. If you have a boyfriend, you dont need to answer me, but if you do i will be happy. Kisses Christian


I am just fine. Thank you for asking.

I hope you liked my web page?

I want you to know and all of my fans, I am never too busy for those who support me. Right now I am focusing on my music career. So look out for that: coming soon. I am sure you will find that special tgirl of your dreams.

Good luck!

Miriam X

105) If I could think of any other words to describe you other than Incredible, then I would use them. I have been searching long and hard and still hope to one day meet a woman like you! ~ Lane


Wow, I never thought of myself as being incredible but, I will definitely accept the compliment. I am sure one day you will find your match, that special someone.

Don't lose Hope or Faith.

Miriam X

104) Hi Miriam My name is Jeff and Im from Dublin in Ireland and I have been watching your programme every week and I think it took alot of strenght and courage to do what you did and I have the upmost respect for you for doing it for the whole world to see. I myself as a gay guy (And Gorgeous (lol))and I found it exteremely hard coming out to my family and friends as being gay and for you to do it infront of everybody and the world and to show people that it is ok to be different! Those guys on the show acted immaturely and childish, they found out who the real miriam was by spending those two weeks with you and even 2 of them admitted to have had gay experiences, so what if you were born a man, you cant help the feelings you've had since child hood, only you did something about it and have reaped the rewards now! I would just like to say you are a stunning WOMAN and dont let anyone tell you otherwise and your more womanly than any of the women I know and thats says alot for me! I hope your career rockets to success as you really deserve it and I will be definitely buying the single and really looking forward to hearing it! Love your little horny Irish Leprachaun xxx - Jeff

No one tells me otherwise!


Check out the website going out in a couple of days. The music will be exclusively previewed on it very very soon.


Miriam X

103) Hi Miriam, Just want to say that I saw the show and I thought you were great in it! You are a very buitiful woman! Those guys on the show obviously didn't see that its personality that counts! Lots Of Love, Steve


You are absolutely right! Personality is what counts. But, I look at it this way, everyone has a preference and I guess I wasn't their cup of tea. Thanks for watching and thank you for the compliment.

Miriam X

102) Miriam, just wanted to send a note of support, saw the final episode of the show and was shocked at the reaction of the guys.. *big hugs* Rob


Thanks, your support means a lot to me! I was shocked at the reaction of the guys as well.

Miriam X

101) You are lovely. Any man would be honored to have you on his arm including the UK - Howard


Thanks for the compliment. The UK has been absolutely wonderful to me!

Miriam X

100) Found your site as a site of the week and I'm glad I did your web page is very well done. And your picture very professional. Best Wishes - Todd


Thank you for checking out my website. I am so glad to hear you enjoyed it.

Miriam X

99) hi miriam , i had just finished watching your series last month and just found this site today i don't usually watch reality tv shows but yours caught my attention and seemed more interesting than others : so i decided to watch it and enjoyed it very much anyway from what i saw from the show i must say i think you're such a wonderful and beautiful person both inside and out ^^ i think it's a shame most of the contestants didn't take the truth so maturely and didn't accept you for who you were as a whole even though they were clearly falling for you through the whole series ( who wouldn't fall for you ^_~ ) anyway i just wanted to say i hope you find someone special that will make you happy because i was saddened by the ending of the last episode :( i hope you find a guy both open minded and caring who will love you for who you are because i think you deserve to find true happiness and love and i'm sure he'll be a very lucky guy to get to be with you too anyway good luck to the future love from one of your many fans - jonathan


Thanks for your concern. I really appreciate it. It's people like you that make the world a nice place to live in. Maybe one day I'll find that special person and I can honestly say that I hope it could be someone like you.

Miriam X

98) Dear Miriam, Congratulations on all you have achieved so far and best of luck on all your future endeavours! You have one fan here in Australia that worships the ground you walk on! If only you and I were closer on you had an Australian sister! Love and best wishes, Mark xoxo

Hello "downunder"!

Unfortunately, I don't have a sister but I can introduce you to my brother! Ha Ha!!!! Anyway just wanted to say thanks and its nice to know I have fans in Australia.

Miriam X

97) To Miriam ONLY, YOU'RE A BEAUTIFUL PERSON!!!!!!!! I know of a famous South American transsexul who was pressured into getting a sex change. If and When you decide to get the operation, That's a decision only YOU should make. Please Don't EVER let anyone tell you how to live your life. If they can't accept you as a person, THEY'RE JERKS!!!!!!! I know when you feel the time is right, you will get the surgery. As you say, viva le Difference. Take care. Love, Emil


Thanks for this.

A lot of pressure was put on me as to whether to get a sex change or not. I am very very happy with myself. One thing you need to know in life is to learn how to love your self first. And once you achieve that, doors will open for you.


Ciao mi amore!

Miriam X

96) hi Miriam, saw the show last nite for the first time and wished i was the guy with the chance of spending a week with u, dont know why im telling u this but i have always been attracted to t-girls, what ive always dreamed of is running away to somewhere like america where i could be myself, start new and date t-girls cause thats what i really desire. seeing u on tv made me think even more, you really are gorgeous, but its also sad cause i realise i will only ever be happy if i meet and settle or find love with a transexual-thats what i really want. anyway just wanted to say hi and think you are beautiful, not just on the outside but you seem like a very caring person, good luck and id really appreciate a reply but know u r very busy, if u get a chance check me out, take care and i wish u all the luck in love and life, james (a very attractive irishman- and modest too!) x


Thanks for writing, and I want you to know i am never too busy to reply to my fans! I appreciate your support and would like to tell you that your dreams of happiness can be achieved as long as you strive for them as I am trying to.

Good luck and God bless!

Miriam X

95) Hi Miriam, l was very moved after last night's programme the final episode :(. l am very much straight but l think you are very beautiful inside and out. Not all man are like that and l hope you find someone. They will realise and regret in time its not only the outer shell they liked. You sound like a person that does not need to be told this but l will say it anyways be stronge :) - Wesley


Thanks for your thoughts and kind words. I will remain strong for myself and for my wonderful fans. Knowing I have support from my fans will only make me stronger.

Miriam X

94) Miriam: I just wanted to tell you how great I thought you were on the show--gorgeous and with a sense of humor too! But what I really admire is your courage, not just on tv, but in life as well. You did a really great thing for transgendered people, for being visible and putting yourself out there. Those boys--and they were boys, not men--were fools to question your honesty. I was really disappointed that they seemed so quick to let themselves off the hook for participating in a game show format but somehow took you to task for the same thing. I was really disappointed that Tom didn't go on the cruise with you--I would've gone in a heartbeat just to spend time with you and find out more about you and what it means to be transgendered. (That's all we would've done anyway since I'm a gay man!) But he really missed the opportunity of a lifetime. This is what really cracks me up: If you weren't a woman with a secret, do those boys really think they would've been any kind of prize for you?!! I don't think they were. Best of luck to you, Miriam. I hope you'll do some appearances in London when you release your music. I really admire that you are such a self-respecting individual and I know that's a really hard thing for transgendered person to maintain so don't ever lose that respect for yourself. All the best. xxxSean

I agree. Who do the boys think they are! Too good for me! Hey everyone, let's forget the boys. I don't think about them.

Miriam X

93) WOW, I just stumbled across your site. Good luck, we need more girls like yourself out in the mainstream! - Tommy

Check out my new official site -

Miriam X

92) Miriam, Amazing story! I am amazed that your parents accepted you. I guess you were lucky in that respect. Miriam, I have to ask you something about dating a tg. I have become email friends w a nice tg(non-op) girl and we chat a lot. I like her alot. The problem is I have had tg feelings myself. I haven't told her or my family. They would reject me and I can't handle that-my Dad, it would kill him. Do I tell her? I still am unsure about becoming a ts myself-I'm not as pretty as u. I have no job right now and live w/ my folks. They would kick me out if I told them. I dreamed of being an entertainer but I can't dance and just look like a guy. Why me? Bless u Miriam-I wish u luck and fame(more of it). Oh, how do u keep in such great shape? I'd love to look like u-what your exercise regimen? Tu amiga, Tony

Big thing to ask me. I have just followed my own path and don't feel equipped to give you advise. Just follow your heart and know that compromises are always part of life. But don't compromise too much!

Miriam X

91) are beautiful. i would marry you anyday. twigs

Hey Twigs..... thanks for the offer!

Miriam X

90) Well Miriam, I cannot add anything you have not heard before. I am sorry I could not see the show being as I am in Texas. I'm glad to hear that you seem to be doing well and all. I'm a deaf guy looking so I can relate to your desire to meet someone. I hope I do someday. I hope you have a wonderful life!! May you meet the lucky man. Smile, James

I meet people all the time, have had great relationships and horrible ones, just like everyone else. Hope the show comes to USA.

Miriam X

89) Hi there Miriam!! I just want to say you look so hot and I would definetly go with you on a cruse. I am a straight guy but you are so pretty. I am from Iceland and if you ever want to come to Iceland I would like to take care of you. I would be honored. with best wishes Eli

Love to come to Iceland and have a mud bath!

Miriam X

88) dear miriam, i'm intrigued to read about your view on life, as it corresponds with mine quite closely. you describe yourself as a hybrid, i feel this is the way forward into the next milennium, not for all, but for those who choose to be so. be it cybernetic implants, knowledge, silacone, we create ourselves in our own image, no one elses right? i'm proud to be so, and its nice to see someone as beautiful as yourself as a figurehead. good luck with it all, "901" x0x

Blur the boundaries, be what you want to be, be happy in what you are.

Miriam X

87) Hey Miriam, Ever since I first saw a pic of you in the paper and read that you're really a guy I've been interested in you. The fact that you're so gorgeous in every way (especially the legs ;)) its had me panting every time I see you! I love you! Any guy would be mad to diss you, if you ever need someone to sort them out, just ask! :P Hope to see more of you soon... Alan

Hey! I'm not a guy! It might say male on my passport but that does not describe what I am.

Apart from that, thanks for the compliments!

Miriam X

86) Hello, Miriam I read your story and I really admire you. I have seen all the episode of "there is something about miriam" and you have been my inspiration. I think you are really brave and courageous. I respect you for what you are and I think you did the right choice. I really like you and I know your not just good in the outside but your good in the inside too. All my friends are teasing me because i have told them that I like you and you are my inspiration. They just don't get it. I know that beauty is only in the inside not in the outside. That is why I like you. I feel very sorry about the show, when tom decided to leave you alone in boat. I wish I was there to comfort you. If I was tom I will go with you. I don't care about the prize money. That money doesn't compare to you. It is really gonna be a dream come true if you reply to me. Bye Miriam From your loving fan, Kevin

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for your kind words. Fuck Tom! If he ain't man enough! Having a great time in Cannes, it's my first time in France and I love it.

Miriam X

85) As a follow up to my previous question, concerning acting, I would like to ask you the following: - What sort of film would you like to star/be in? Would you like a serious drama dealing with transsexuality? Or would you prefer something where you are just playing a character and the transsexuality issue isn't mentioned?

I want to be a Bond girl!

Miriam X

84) Dear miriam, you are the most beautiful creature that i have seen on tv in a long time. I have a girlfriend but i would gladly exchange her for you. X

Poor Girlfriend!

Miriam X

83) i'm really disappointed to see you finnish the show without the love of your life on your arm, but rest assured there are millions of guys out there that watched the show and think you're fab for who you are. i really hope you find happiness with someone.

I definitely will!

Miriam X


George is ok.... I prefer Madonna!

Miriam X

81) Dearest Miriam, Just wanted to drop you a note to wish you congratulations on the program. Living in the States, I haven't had the opportunity watch it, yet. I would think that the producers would be smart enough to run the show here in the U.S., and soon! It's unfortunate that the guys weren't able to handle your "secret". We all like to think of ourselves as enlightened, broad-minded people. But it appears as if a lot of us still have something to learn. I hope that you get the chance to teach us, Miriam. Beauty is beauty, and attraction is attraction. Why should it make a difference what gender one is? I, for one, find you to be absolutely striking, and it would be a tragic loss to us all if we did not get the chance to see you, a lot of you. Well, enough of my drooling. Best wishes to you and all your future endeavors. Mr. U. in Chicago

Keep drooling big boy!

Miriam X

80) Hi Miriam, Just wanted to say that you are absolutely stunning and possibly the sexiest thing i have ever seen!! Don't worry about the guys on the show, I am always willing and avalible!! Take care sexy - James

I'm sure you are!



79) Just a brief email to say saw the show, which I really enjoyed. I had to admit you acted with grace and honour throught out the show, and looked as nevus as hell at the revel. I dont feel soory for any of the guys, there is one person that I feel the show hit hard and that was yourself. I saw you put on a brave face, but I hope things have settled down now. Anyway time to go, have fun and keep smiling! As you said its whats within that counts! - Simon


It took me 24 hours to get over Tom! Lets all get real. It was a TV show. It was an emotional experience, but it was not REAL LIFE. Real life for me is very very different. I have had lots of men, have a great time enjoying myself.

Miriam X

78) I've seen a lot of transexuals on the net.But you Miriam are the best. I'm a straight guy with a lovly girlfriend and we think that your damn fine. We wouldn't kick you out of bed. GGGGRRRRUUUUU;o) Hope to see you on the television more often. Keep up the good work that your sexy body demands. All my lust...Wilton


Miriam X

77) Hi I'd just like to say this: I felt gutted at the end of the show that you went on the cruise alone. I think the guy you chose was an idiot not to go with you, not for the money, not for the cruise, but just to be with you. I truly believe you were trying to find love. You seem to me to be a perfect partner. You seem nice and caring, genuinely interesting and certainly that is what matters to me and to a LOT of other people too. Listen: Stay true to yourself, never let ANYONE tell you you're worthless or let them belittle you. The right person for you is out there, indeed if I thought for one minute you'd actually get this I would count myself blessed if I was one of the right people. Take care Miriam, and I hope life brings you all the happiness you deserve. Neil xx

hey you are one of the right people!

Miriam X

76) Hello Miriam, just wanted to say that me and my girlfriend are huge HUGE fans of you and your show, too bad it's finished now :( but the final episode really was full of suspense...the revealing of the secret! Too bad about Tom, you seemed to really like him as well :( If we knew you personally, we'd make it our lives to find you a nice guy that'd love you for who you are and that would stick by you for everything. We would that's for sure! As I said, we are really big fans of you and what you do. Thumbs up to your career as well, we really wish you the best in everything you do and also well done for keepig to what you want to be in life. All the best, love Tom and Kelly x


Miriam X

75) Hay dude (i say this 2 ne 1) :P dont be down hearted those guys where arse holes, never whatched the show( sad for not having sky) but what i saw from the Harry hill show they dont deserve u. If i ever had the chance i world go out u as ur the most beutiful person i ever seen and i wouldnt b embarrsed about it. Yours Larky from the UK P.S sorry for the spelling im dislecsic (how ever u speel that damb word lol) hope 2 meet u in the future :)


I'm not down!

Miriam X

74) Miriam, I understand by your site that you are pursuing a singing career. Are you also considering acting? A positive ts role model in the movies must be a good thing. Your sexier than either julia roberts or meg ryan as all compliments aside though, have you ever considered a acting career. If you need a romantic lead, give me call........... - mark

I would love to do acting

Miriam X

73) U are a sick mother fucker, I hope you rot in hell mother fucker. - Kareem

Fuck you too!

Miriam X

72) Hello Mirriam, I think the guys should be ashamed of the way they have reacted to you. I think you are a wonderfully warm and very beautiful human being, and I for one would have loved to have taken that cruise with you. Not all british guys are as insecure as those on your show. Please do not take their reactions personally. Fond regards Ian xx PS. Of course I would love a date with you. PPS. And I'm better looking and more of a gentleman than any of the muppets you unfortunately had on your show.

Hey. Who cares about the guys! And I am sure you are!

Miriam X

71) Dear Miriam, I have just finished watching the last show in Sky One Television series. I found this web site and hope you read this, I believe that you were poorly treated by the men on the programme as I think that although the programme raised your profile you did it for the right reasons. It was a very brave and courageous thing to do. Everyone has difficult parts of themselves that they look at each and every day to expose them and possibly risk emotional harm requires a certain type of person. I think that you seem a geniune person who is not as different to everyone as media speculation might make out, you are still a real life person that wants to be fulfilled and treated well. I hope things continue to go from strength to strength and you are able to rise above any negativity. Take care Regards - Chris

Thanks thanks thanks! All of these wonderful messages that are flowing are making me cry!

Love you all loads.

I need you all! It gives me strength.

Miriam X

70) Hey Miriam, I am a 22 year old heterosexual, and i think you are absolutely the most stunning, beautiful person i have ever seen. You have the most gorgeous eyes. I have so much respect for you, and hope you have a great life, if you ever come to Belfast, il be waiting xxxxx luv ya hunny - James

I'm sure you will!

Miriam X

69) Hi Miriam I can't believe those guys in the show. They should accept you for who you are. They seem so shallow to be suing just because you chose to be who you are. You are georgeous and I think the fact you have owned up to being trasnsexual is great, a turn on for some. You are who you are and people should accept you for that. People are view to do as they wish and I believe you are truly a great example. You are gorgeous and I absolutly adore you. I hope to bump into you sometime and chat to you in person. For now I can only give my full love and admiration. Lots of hugs and kisses XXXXXXX. P.S Hope to see some more of them great photos soon, how could any man not be attracted by you? - Jason


Thanks for this. You know, boys will be boys.

And there are loads of MEN out there who seem to love me!

Miriam X

68) just a quick mail to say you are beautiful - steve

And a quick one back saying thanks!

Miriam X

67) Hi Miriam. I'd just like to say that I thought you were tremendously brave on the show. It's a shame that the contestants didn't have the courage to admit that they found YOU attractive. Were they too mesmerised by your your looks to see you as a person? Good luck for the future, and don't let shallow people sway you. You are beautiful, strong and courageous. - Marc

I just want to thank everyone for sending in so many emails straight after the show finished. Don't worry about me!

The boys are the ones that have lost out, they lost out on a week with me!!!!

It's all just TV.

What is much more important than a gang of insecure boys "rejecting" me, are all of the issues that this series has brought into the mainstream. Can you believe it - now transsexualism is so much more accepted, normalized. The wonderful people in Britain seem to love me, and I am getting mail from all over the world. And that means the message that we are all the same only making different choices is getting through on such a massive scale. When Tom said that I deceived him, he should have a look at how everyone was deceiving each other. When the boys were with me they were gentlemen, when they were together they were completely different. I liked Tom and feel sorry that he felt the way he did - I think that peer pressure was obvious, but then, hey they had to make that big TV moment!

That day was the most frightening in my life. I was so nervous. I nearly died of fright. No one knew what was going to happen. But then after the boys got angry I went off down the beach. I found a beautiful guy and we had a beautiful time together that afternoon. He didn't have any problems!

I have known a lot of wonderful men in my life, I have beautiful friends, and a caring family. I am lucky! I have got to show what I really am to the whole world and I have been accepted. It seems that everyone except the boys feel positive about me and what I am. Is that not a little world changing thing to happen?

I am in Cannes at the moment writing this. Tomorrow we meet people from all over the world who want to broadcast the series. Then there is a party and I am going to give an award to the guy who invented Big Brother.

Tolerance and transcendence. This is the motto for me in these times of prejudice, violence, fear.

Evolution not revolution.

Evolve and survive.

Be hybrid. Be fluid. Blur the boundaries that keep us apart and keep us from what we really truly are.

Never give in.


All my love to everyone. Let's see what Miriam Chapter 2 is going to be!

Miriam X

66) Dear Miriam, I just found out about you this morning as I was updating my profile on tgpersonals. I want to say that as a 19 year old tgirl I'm greatly inspired by your achievements. You are so beautiful and I wish that I had access to your show! Do you know if it will be released for sale? I would adore that if it was. It seem like there are very few places where women like ourseleves get the credit that is due to us and now that I know you are making a huge differience in the future of our community, it makes me feel stronger about myself. With this new found knowledge about yourself that I have learned, it makes it seem like my path is much brighter. I think it may even make school, work, and life itself a little less dramatic if you know what I mean. Anyways I'm sure your always busy but it would be wonderful to hear back from you, because I would like to know more about your show and how I'm may go about attainning it. Take care! Respectfully Regina*

Hi Thanks for this. I am in Cannes where the producers are hoping to sell it to the States. I would love that to happen. And thanks for the support. Much appreciated.

Miriam X

65) Hi Miriam, Got to say, in this increasingly cruel world at the moment, you are a true inspiration. I am a bi-sexual lad (who is attracted to women/tv/ts/cd) and have found it very hard in the past, in my view there seem to be people who think someone like me is a mad and preverted freak, but we're not... because for example in the case of me, I am just a shy & sensitive lad trying to get on in life, looking for someone to love, cherish, hold or whatever, its just a shame a lot of people dont understand me and my feelings at the moment (and some people still try to be so cruel, but it doesn't get to me anymore!), it might be partly to do with the fact that I come from a very rural part of Wales, and there just doesnt seem to be anyone with similar feelings in this area! And unfortunately there are some people who are VERY homophobic where I live (as I said earlier, it seems to be an increasingly cruel world in my view), which makes it even more difficult. But like I said at the beginning you are an inspiration that says it is worth carrying on and fighting to the top in life, and at the same time carry on looking for that special someone! You are a very beautiful woman, I hope it all carries on going well for you! - Danny


Keep the faith. If you can't find love where you are, go to a place where you will find it! I've been to Wales and LOVED IT.

Miriam X

64) Hi Miriam i'm having a great time watch your show and i for one am glad that it has finally been aired. I have just watched you on Harry Hill one of our great uk comics. love this site looking forward to seeing the official site when its up and running. I love the photos on this site hope to see more sometime. Dean xxx

It was great fun working with Harry Hill. He is mad! Official site to come up soon. It will have a taster of the music and exclusive photos.

Miriam X

63) I do not know what to tell you that you have not already heard, but I had to express in some form how utterly breathtaking you are. And if you posess half of the greatness on the inside, as you present on the outside, than in my 22 years I have never witnessed a more stunning being. My eyes were just opened to you today, but from this day forth i will continue to follow what is sure to be a magnificent career. Good luck and God bless as I am sure you are heading nowhere short of the top. Kindest regards, Eric

You are too kind!

Miriam X

62) Are there any other sites with your pics on as you are a stuning lady. Please could you reply to my email. Thanks - Gary will be going up in the next couple of days.

Miriam X

61) Hi Miriam, YOU'RE EXTREMELY GORGEOUS!!!!I'm a genetic male living in America. I'm basically heterosexual but understand the transgendered phenomena. People don't realize that Gender Dysphoria could be a medical disorder. Genes can affect behavior. This science is called Behavior Genetics. YOU'RE INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!! If people can't accept you're transgendered,THEY'RE JERKS!!!!!!!!! I heard what happened about the show. If I was one of the contestants on the show, I woould have been honored to date you. I wish you GOOD LUCK personally as well as professionally. well, Take care. Love, Emil


Thanks for the lovely message, BUT I do not see myself as a medical disorder, but as one of the many many valid expressions of being human. Be careful of genetics, it can lead to genetic fascism, where all the so called un-normal human expressions can be identified and weeded out. I LOVE being the way I am, there is enough space in the world for everyone to be whatever they are. Vive le difference!

Miriam X

60) If these men found you to be unacceptable because you are tg, shame on them. The passion and love that I share with my tg girlfriend exceed any experience I have had with anybody. The man who earns your heart should be proud indeed. - Ralph


Love is about sharing our differences.

Miriam X

59) Hi Miriam, I wrote to you recently, saying that I though you were perfect. You said that I should see you when you were angry. The fact that you would own up to this makes me think you are even more perfect than I thought. Sorry! :) Yours, Troy

Thank you kind sir!

Miriam X

58) Hi, i would like to say that you are the most beautiful woman that i have ever seen!!! i just wanted to tell you this. I know i would not get to meet you but it would be a dream come true?? I just wish you the best and hope you find love. xxxxx keith xxxx smiles


Miriam X

57) Dear Miriam, I am so impressed with the way you view life. You seem so happy and at piece with yourself - you are a very lucky girl. I am struggling with the "real me" and as you remember it is not easy. Although if I could be as beautiful as you it certainly would help. It must be such a great feeling to look in the mirror and see a woman who is more beautiful than 99% of the 'real' girls out there. I must admit that I am a little jeleous of you - it's my dream to be so sexy and at piece with myself. You are my idol and I wish you all the luck in the world (although I don't think you need any luck). Love, Greg / "Jenny"

ps: I love the picture of you getting out of the limo - great dress!

Thanks for this!

We all need luck! Be at piece with whatever you are. I have my traumas, my insecurities, my fears. I've got great friends and family around me who give me strength. I think for everyone it is a struggle to be the "real me", but it is worth the fight.

Miriam X

56) Hi Miriam, I just want to let you know that I admire you and that you should keep on doing what you do and certainly never change! Sincerely, Janni

Many thanks! These messages mean a lot to me and give me courage.

Miriam X

55) Hello Miriam. Hope all your days are full of happiness. I enjoy the website and hope to one day actually see the UK tv show. I would love to see you host a TV show in America. I think you would be a great personality and could open many peoples minds and hearts with a forum style show tackling topics people are afraid to deal with. Many thanks for being yourself. Never change, please. - Samuel


This is not my website. Its been created by some wonderful fans and am deeply appreciative of all the work they are putting into it. I love it! will be going up soon. I would love to do something in America too and am talking to various people about it.

Miriam X

54) Hi Miriam, sorry about your experience on "There's Something About Miriam". I too find it too interesting that their "psychological trauma" was healed after they reached settlements. Too bad I wasn't one of the contestants. I think if I had spent as much time with you as they did, I would have given you true love and accepted you for who you are. Do you know if you plan any London club appearances in the summer? Maybe I could try to be in London on one of your appearances. I've visited London three times and love it! - Andrew

Hey, I had a great time doing the show!

It was fun, exciting and had the time of my life - 6 guys all wanting to seduce me!

All the stuff that hit later in the end speaks for itself.

I'll be doing London soon. I love it too.

Miriam X

53) hi plz miriam r u per op or post op and r u mariedhun..??? - mohamed

Jesus, what kind of a question is that to ask a lady!

Come on guys, I don't ask how big your dick is!!!!

Miriam X

52) As an admirer of transexuals I guessed your secret by the title of the show... However, I think you are more beautifull than most "natural" women that I have ever seen and certainly any that I have ever met. I am single but wouldn't presume to ask you for a date or a meeting..... One day I plan to have an attracive transsexual as a partner, hopefully at least half as good looking as you. I too have struggled with this life and still am. I have been ill nearly all my adult life I have nerves + a stomach condition which it makes worse, recently I have managed to get out a bit more which my condition affects greatly. I have too watch my diet etc, and am naturally thin......I don't drink, smoke or do drugs, Don't honestly know why I am telling you all this, just thought you might be able to relate to a guy whose also had alot of problems. I suffered bullying at school + have had boughts of depression. Don't let anyone bring you down, i'm sure your music career will suceed. At the end of the day belief in oneself is all we have, no-one can do it for us. - Mark

You said it! Believe in yourself. never let anything get you down. be what you want to be. Accept yourself. Accept others. Have fun. Be good and be bad!

Go for it!

Hope your dreams come true!

Miriam X

51) Thank you for reading, my first letter and this one is just about a question that keeps coming up,not my admiration of you.Have you ever gone used the name of Victoria when modeling? - christian

don't know what you are talking about.

miriam X

50) Have a poem. - William

The Light and the Darkness 

Love is natural and love is real 
For all souls to touch but few to feel 
Clumsy and wry it fucks you up 
You lose sight of life you lose sight of love 

A voice in the shadows is calling you near 
The light and the darkness have nothing to fear 
Eyes filled with sorrow the night drives you mad 
And you fall into darkness with a love you never had 

The darkness has brought you a home and a death 
The silence has spoken all kindness has left 
Your life has been taken; you swallow your fear 
The voice you'd mistaken was never so near 

A kiss from a stranger brings thoughts of the bed 
At least you're still human what else can be said

Lovely !

Miriam X

49) hey i think ur sexy and i dont care tht u have a penis i love u neway. i would love a pic ;) - Nathan

Fuck you!

Miriam X

48) Miriam, I think it's wonderful that you can be proud and open about who you are. It's really awesome that you can do that and be a role model and inspire girls like us. It's really hard being trans sometimes and it's great to have positive images to make us feel proud of who we are. You rock, Thanks, - Brandi

phew thanks,

live the life, love the life!

Miriam X

47) Hello - I'm sure you're getting tons of emails so I'll be brief. I'm a filmmaker in LA who happens to love transexual women. I have since I was a teenager and that is what I still prefer to this day. I believe you have a unique opportunity - once your program hits the U.S. - to change the views and perceptions of how the public views transexuals. Take your popularity and be careful with it and show the world that your not a sexual freak or deviant but a beautiful and special woman. I hope your music does well so that you can show people what your about an ease them into the idea of transenered people living amongst us. That's what I hope to do with films someday and I hope you can lead the way. America has lots of hang-ups as a country but it's getting better and they just need to see someone and get to know them to help the open up a little more. I hope we cross paths someday and good luck to you in everything you pursue. - J


My hope is that people do not just change their views about transsexuals but that we should all change our views in general. Not hippy dippy, but just that we can all accommodate different views and ways of living, even those we do not understand.

Miriam X

46) Hello! You are very beautiful. I dont understand why the guys in TV were upset. Can you send me some pics of you with an autgraph? Please! - Torgil


Don't know why they were upset either! But looks like a nominal payoff seems to have cured all the "psychological" damage incurred. I'm not judging, let the facts speak for themselves!

Miriam X

45) Hi Miriam, I have been searching the web for a good site about you and finally found this one....I have fallen in love with my perfect woman..YOU. I am a straight guy but you are my exception...every time I see you...MMMmmm you start my heart beating like a drum and turn me into a love sick teenager again.....I love to watch you on TV and look into those deep dark eyes....I would love to wine and dine you but most of all to look after you to love and caress you and treat you with the respect and love you deserve. I like you as you are..unique in your own special way ..the best of both...I know I wont get the chance to meet you and you probably have thousands of Guys hounding you...but if you ever wanted to find true happiness in a Big macho guy like me ( 6ft and 18stone 35yrs old ) I would be are my first my last my everthing...I have never felt this way about a girl before without meeting them. Sorry to be a bit soppy but you really bring out the softer man in me ! This London boy is only an e-mail away from you but you are a Dream away from me :o( I wish you all the best in your future and you deserve so much more.....Paul x


Thanks for the compliments!

Sorry, but can't respond to personal emails to meet up. Even though am sure you are a lovely lovely guy! Why not come along to one of my club appearances coming soon in the UK. Check the website for breaking news on this.

Thanks again for the lovely email,

Miriam X

44) Saw you one Sky One, you're amazing! I'm soo jealous. I just turned 21 and I always wished that I could transition but its just impossible for me. I want you to know I am very, very happy for you and you are an inspiration to all of those who feel the same way. Thank you for helping break down those barriers that distance people from us. - Sep


This means a lot to me. I was so terrified about so many people knowing what I am. I thought people in London would throw stones at me in the street. Thank God this never happened and people have accepted me for what I am. I never believed the UK press would be so supportive. I guess being true to yourself can win the day.

Keep the faith and be what you want to be - the world is big enough!

Miriam X

43) Hey Miriam, Thanks for responding to my last email ... Coming to Canada would be amazing, but while visiting and the implicit mention of meeting are two separate ideas ... well, it is the thought that counts. I realize you are very busy, and if you do respond to this (or any future emails) it is of your own volition and I can understand ...

Its a hard direction to take in life, but it is getting easier.
May I ask what is getting easier about it ... and what has been changing to make you feel that way?
People just got to chill out a bit and let people be what they want to be.
What a great statement! It is so true too! I try to live by that crede: What right does anyone have in telling someone else what they can and cannot do? You know? Why are they so certain that their beliefs and ideals and concepts of how the world works are the right ones ... and then that everyone who disagrees are heretics and evil-doers and idiots? Perhaps that's just an American way of life. Perhaps ideals are more forcefully held onto and defended because people feel like they don't know what else to fight for.
If we were all the same this world would be just so boring.
Here's a philosophical hypothetical question for you: Do you think people are becoming more similar in their attitudes and desires because the influences reaching each person are getting more similar? For example: One TV show reaches millions of people, and then the gossip afterwards ... 30million people watch American Idol, 20million people watched the first Survivor and it grows each year! I'm not suggesting our experiences in life determines who we are utterly and completely (we have something in our minds which is able to figure out what each experience means - and that will stop most similarities from getting too ... common), but more along the lines of inherent differences as no one person's experiences will be vastly different from anyone elses ... In that case - similar experience = boring world. It is a shame that TV has such a powerful influence over us ... however, it does allows new and sometimes potentially daring ideas to be presented that people wouldn't have considered (like your show, or the TS show on TLC - finding the one man who is most ready to become the woman he's always wanted to be, and helping him out financial become her.) Sorry - I love philosophical and hypothetical discussions. What is and isn't possible given current states in the world simply excites me ... I'm a scientist and philosopher by nature: and I chose the path of the research scientist as a job. :) Canada is a beautiful country - and the people here are much more down to earth. The american influence has been changing that slowly, but a general helpful attitude pervades here ... Ottawa is no exception - the capital of Canada, 1 million people, and it has a small town feeling; unless you love the super big city, Ottawa is so amazing. I'm guessing you have finished filming your show - I saw your other comments / fan letters ... it's a shame they were guys (Alpha male?) that weren't real men, but that is what draws in the viewing crowd. What are doing these days? What do you do to keep busy? Thanks for the response. Dan


I am busy completing my music. This is my first love. The show has allowed me to be taken seriously by the music industry who were worried before about who will buy my music. Now they all want a piece of the action, so i am planning the next move with my management. Apart from that I am taking some time off in New York because the promotional tour in London was so hectic and we are all taking stock of what has happened and what to do next. I have had some film and TV offers, but need to be choosy.

I'm so lucky that I can hopefully succeed in the world of entertainment and keep true to myself. Its going to be a lot of hard work but I'm ready for it!

People are always scared of "the new", of things they don't understand. But things change as society incorporates the fringes. Especially if they realize they can make money out of it! Just look at Will and Grace, who would have believed a gay sit com would be on US TV.

Miriam X

42) Hey Miriam, beautiful name. I'm a Persian TS here in San Francisco and I was wondering about ur ethnic background. Also, I was wondering if u know IF or WHEN your television show would air in the United States. Please let us know, and I'll be on the look out for ur music since I wanna support any of my sistas who strive to acheive. Kisses! ~Lida


I'm Mexican. Been lots of reports I'm Brazilian! I'm in Cannes later this month with the producers to talk with American Executives. I hope its going to be on in the States. We gotta move on from Jerry Springer!

Kisses to you too!

Miriam X

41) Miriam, I so wish they would have broadcasted the show here in the states. I'm sure it is a huge hit. I think you are beautiful and these guys would be crazy if they turned you down in the end. Anyways, keep up the great work and once again, you are beautiful! - Brooks


I hope its going to be shown in the States too. I'm going to Cannes with the producers to meet some Execs to discuss....

Miriam X

40) Hello Miriam, I know you are mexican, but really don´t know if you speak spanish. Yestarday I saw for the first time a paper about your TV show. I´ve always liked TS, and you are really pretty, I would like to know if you know if the show will be bring to Mexico someday, I would love to watch it, I wish you the better of lucks, thanks. - Rick

Hope it will come to Mexico.... What paper was it in?

Miriam X

39) Hello Ms Miriam, Congratulations on your ultimate goal in life: to become the person you have always wanted to be. I was lucky enough to have known, and become very close friends, with a number of TS MtF and FtM people during university. They opened up my eyes: not just the transsexual community and issues at hand, but also their determination and dedication to become who they knew themselves to be, unafraid to truly and honestly discover themselves, and respect for themselves and patience for others. These same people have become some of the most down-to-earth and real people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.

I see that you have had those qualities as well and I salute you and your attempts at finding a real and down-to-earth man to share your life ... Best of luck, and congratulations on your success so far - may it continue to rise and take you to the stars! - Daniel

Hey.... Thanks!!!

It's a hard direction to take in life, but it is getting easier. People just got to chill out a bit and let people be what they want to be. If we were all the same this world would be just so boring.

Maybe see you some time in Canada....

Miriam X

38) Hi Hunni Just a short note. Saw the prog on UK television. U were fantastic, and oh sooooo beautiful.. Stay gorgeous sweetie.. Look forward to your music.. STEVE xx


You ain't seen nothing yet! The show has given me such a wonderful opportunity to make some great work this year.

Will definitely be in Manchester this year.

Miriam X

37) U are the most beautiful thing! Are u planning to come to Toronto at all. If ya are a 22 year guy is waiting for u!! - Marcus

Soon baby, soon!

Miriam X

36) Dear Miriam, I write an book about the experience and history of beautiful and feminine transexual. I want the possibility write your history, make your history, and publishing some of your photo. I wait your answer. Enzo


Can you send a description of what you are doing with the book to my agent?


Miriam X

35) Love your pictures and your story I wish you all the love, success, and happiness as you are lovely girl. Be Safe, Careful, and let no one take advantage of God Bless and watch over you. Enjoy Life. From a more mature girl like you ALicia

Thanks for this. Appreciate it.

Miriam X

34) hi miriam. i would just like to say you are beautiful and amazing. i have not seen the end of your show on sky one, but i can say i would have no problems dating you. and it wouldnt take ten thousand pounds either. your are truely special. - ross


But you would need to take the ten thousand pounds to buy me those diamonds!

Your compliments mean a lot to me....

keep them coming!

Miriam X

33) Hi Miriam, I would just like to say that I think you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen! You are perfect! Yours, Troy

I'm not perfect! You should see me when i am angry!

But thanks for the lovely words.

Keep the faith....

Miriam X

32) I am a huge fan and really find myself at a loss for words when it comes to trying to talk to you. You are truly one of the most beautiful women on earth. I realize that this is all probably done in vain, but I can t help but admire your grace. Thank you for being you, thank you for filling the world the beauty and brilliance of your smile. I can only hope that one day I can be count among the privileged few that have felt the warmth of your presence. Your Faithful admirer, Christian

My God!!!!

Calm down! take a cold shower!

Thanks, baby, for what you have just said. It means a lot to me.

Miriam X

31) Hi Miriam, I'm a big fan of the show and have really enjoyed what has been shown so far and the articles you have done in The Sun, how did you first become involved in the TV project? Did SkyOne seek you out or did your agent approach them??? How did it all come about? And do you think that transexuals should be allowed to begin hormone treatment at the same age as you did? Your living proof that the results can be stunning if the transition begins at before puberty! cheers - Kenny


Everyone is different. i cannot advocate that people take hormones so young. I can only say that for me I just had to!

The producers approached my agent because they had heard of my work in music. I saw the script and thought it was a great way to show what people like me go through, and also to pose the question "what's love all about anyway?!"

Miriam X

30) hi miriam, my name is robert. i just wanted to e mail you and tell you that your the mostt beautiful woman i've seen for years. The guys from the show are fools for not accepting you for all that you are. I know i'll probably never get to meet you...but i can always dream. Love Rob xxx

Dream on! You will meet someone you love......

It would be interesting to know what the boys think now.

Come and see me when i do some clubs in Dublin!

Miriam X

29) Hi Miriam. Just recently saw last Sundays show on Sky One. Absolutely brilliant! Sad about Dom being evicted although he didn't deserve to be (much thanks to that guy from Oz). I think he should have had a chance to get to know you and all. Sure it must have been tough having to make a decision as to who goes at the time. All in all, I think you're INCREDIBLY sexy. Woman or man it simply doesn't matter. If you've got it flaunt it, I always say. You certainly would've fooled me had I been out there. Nice arse too.... - Chris


Does "arse" mean ass? Calm down big man!

Miriam X

28) Dear Miriam, I would like to ask you a very serious question. At some point in the future you will probably want to settle down with someone special to you with the possibility of marriage (no this is not a proposal LOL), . With the current climate of controversy concerning gay marriages, what is your own opinion on this matter ? I ask this question because technically, in the eyes of the law, you are still classed as male. I also have a very serious dilema to contend with as well but it is of a personal nature and i was hoping if you could perhaps give me some advice but I shall not pressure you further on this matter. Best wishes - Darren

This is a big issue that should never be. Same sex marriages can be as fulfilling, loving, caring and disastrous as any marriage. The whole point is that marriage is no longer about just pro-creation. Its about a loving, equal and understanding partnership.

Classifications of male and female are going to change. They have to change. Too many people are blurring the boundaries. Why do we need to classify someone by their gender? Isn't their name, photograph and passport number enough?

For me, it's something I live with. I feel I'm a woman, but have to go through customs as a man. Strange......

Miriam X

Sorry, can't discuss directly with you any personal problems, hope you understand.

27) Hi Miriam! You are so beautiful because i am your biggest fan. i want to thank you for your fantastic influence towards me by giving me an excellent result in my art exam with an illustration of you and i definitely cant wait to hear your next single despite you live near to my favourite music artist in NYC! i want to write a poem to you in spanish (I'm 1/4 Spanish, 1/4 Nigerian, 1/4 Brazilian with a British Passport) to sya that I really love you so much and you make me happy! GOD BLESS MIRIAM!

ADORARLO (Loving You!)

Mis pensamientos, mis sueños que yo nunca pensé ellos se realizarían. Los días fueron por Y por soñaba todavía de usted.

El sentimiento que obtengo se puede definir Cuando miro en sus ojos, y usted mira en la mina. Duelo de noche causa Im no con usted yo deseo tanto que yo lo podría besar.

Sus ojos, el corazón, su toque Miriam que usted significa tanto. Su en mi mente 24/7 Cuándo Im con usted yo me siento como Im en el cielo.

Ive hizo los errores en las Cosas pasadas el mismo, nunca parece durar. Im arrepentido para todo que Ive hecho a usted Pero a ningún asunto lo que, yo siempre lo adoraré.

One more poem for you, Miriam!

QUIERO ESTAR CON USTED (I want to be with you!)

Yo me siento aquí en la noche que Mira fijamente en los cielos arriba. Preguntar si Im suficiente afortunado ser dado su amor.

Aunque yo lo encontré Apenas unos pocos días antes. He aprendido tanto de que usted es Y la sed de aprender aún más.

Quiero compartir mi mundo con usted, Todas las sonrisas y todas las lágrimas. Quiero aprender a confiar otra vez; Algo yo havent hecho en años.

Usted es muy especial a mí, Usted ha encendido algo nuevo. Quiero sentirse adorado en mi vida, yo quiero estar con usted.

'Why don't we fall in love?'is my favourite song and i want you sing the lycris with me!

So many things I'm goin' through
So much that I wanna do
It startin' to become so clear to me
Tomorrow ain't really what it seems

So many days I've thought of you
It's about time you knew the truth
Got to act quickly, you and I
We fall in love, so many reasons why

Why don't we (So why don't we), don't we
Why don't we, why don't we (Yeah)
Why don't we, why don't we fall in love 
(Why don't we fall in love)
(It's so many reason)
(It's the only thing that matters to me)
Why don't we fall in love
It takes such a load off to let you know
That you're the only one I never want to go
Think I never did know what to do
A love I never felt, now I feel with you

Why don't I just swallow each and every ounce of my pride
Everything you do I wanna feel again
Ain't no use for us to pretend

Why don't we, don't we (Why can't we)
Why don't we (Why can't we), why don't we (Why can't we)
Why don't we, why don't we fall in love (We, can't we fall)
Why don't we, why don't we (Yeah, yeah)
Why don't we, why don't we fall in love (Oh)
Why (Yeah)

Come with me
Tomorrow we're guaranteed love
Baby, let's be
Baby, let's be

Why don't we, why don't we
Why don't we, why don't we fall in love
Why don't we, why don't we (Oh)
Why don't we, why don't we fall in love
PS When are you coming to London to promote your single? and I'm your 1# fan!

I Love you! ¡Te quiero!


love to see the illustration. you'll get a chance soon to hear the music. hope you like it!


Miriam X

26) Hey, i heard about all the suing issue. Im sorry to hear about the homophobic knobs who fail to see you as a human being and get pissed off when thier expectations and over macho sexist egos dont get fullfilled. I think you are a beautiful lady and have every right to be what you want to be, and i respect that. if other people cant, they dont deserve your time. Dont let anyone get you down. You deserve better. Take care, email me back!! - Nathan

hey, thanks!

So funny watching the guys on the show all get naked together and show each other their dicks and talk about giving guys blow jobs and then run to mummy (or their lawyers!) crying when they got to kiss me!

But times are changing thank fXXk!

Miriam X

25) Hi Miriam, I am Erick from L.A. I am a 24 y/o Hispanic male 6"3" 220lbs athletic fit, light skin, brown eyes, dark brown hair, Your very sexy and beautiful and I would like to take you out when your in town.

Hey..... might just do that!

Miriam X

24) HI Miriam, i would just like to say that you are fantastic looking and come over as a really nice person on camera, those guys in the show were so lucky to spend that time with you, i wish i had been on the show i wouldnt have baulked once you told them you were a ts. anyway i hope u find the love u r looking 4, and have all the success u desire in your musical enterprise. yours sincerly, jason xx


I'll be doing some club appearances soon in the UK to promote the song. It's very cool. From the clubbing underground. Not some Pop Idol Shit. I am doing the music because I love it and not to get more money after the show. I love music and have been working on it from before the show.

Maybe see you at one of the gigs?

Miriam X

23) Miriam, hi i hope that you are well. Just to say that i missed the show but i heard about it afterwards. Im sorry that i didnt get a chance to see it. I just wanted to say the very best of luck in all that you do, and i hope that one day you will find the right man for you. Lots of love - Jon


Its still running n the UK and some sites have uploaded whole episodes....

Miriam X

22) Hi Miriam, Wow! You are the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen! Love the show, you're too good for those guys anyway! - Graham xx


I think so too. I just laugh at them now, but was pretty shook up when they all joined forces and sued the show. Didn't know what was happening and why they didn't understand that this was all just TV. Of course there was going to be a twist in it. Who do they think they were? What kind of arrogance makes someone think they are handsome enough, smart enough, cool enough to be up to winning the affections of someone else for some prize money and in front of the cameras.

I've a question for everyone...... Why do people want to go on Reality TV? - Miriam X

21) hello well done i am proud of u - ste

Thanks! - Miriam X

20) Miriam,First of all you are a beautiful lady. My question is not personal of you,but I've been attractive to transsexual persons for a long time. I would like to meet and date transsexuals, but I haven't had any luck. What advice can you give me. I am 37y.o latino. thank you and good luck. p.s. why are you still single? - HECTOR

Hi. Yes I'm single. I'm concentrating on my career at the moment. Don't know how to meet Ts's, I just meet people I date normally in clubs, parties, through friends. - Miriam X

19) Hi Miriam Just wanted to say that you are a very beautiful, sexy and seductive lady with a lovely slim body and sexy breasts (no offence) I have watched the show and enjoy it but I do admit I only watch it to see ur sexy self I think whoever you decide to marry or date will be a lucky man and I always believe that it is what is inside a person (intelligence, personality etc) that makes a person not the packaging , so to speak, and I hope you find someone who will accept you for what you are inside as well as outside Feel free to ask me any thing u like - Lee

Hi... thanks, no offense taken. I like my breasts too! Thanks for watching the show. What did you think about the guys in the show? Why did they all get naked and show each other their dicks? What's that all about?

Agree on what's inside is so important, though its cool to have something beautiful on the outside too. That's why i did the show. To say to people that we have to look at what a person really is. I thought it was so funny when the boys sued. I wonder what they spent their money on. No hard feelings to them. I think they all succumbed to peer pressure. But it is funny how a bit of money helps make everything all right. Would like to know from my fans what they thought of the boys in the show. bIt would be great if there was a forum where all of this could be discussed. No rules on what people think. This world has got to change.

Times are changing. Sexual and gender stereotypes are blurring. We should all fight for what we want to be and have a great time!

Life is for living!

Miriam X

18) Hey Girl. I am a transfemale from Tulsa, Oklahoma USA. I just want to say I appreciate you for being out. We need more positivity and substance to garner more support and the right kind of support for those of us blessed with this difference. Keep on keeping on and I know you are probably getting alot of grief about your non-op status. Just tell them to "Stuff it!" It's all a personal choice. Big hugs and thank God for folks like you! - Millie

Yeah! Stuff it! It's a personal choice! Thanks for the kind words. - Miriam X

17) Miriam, Living in the US, I did not know about your show until just now. I found a link to your site through an online TS personal site. Which goes to show you, that there are plenty of guys out there who would be complete happy with you. Personally I'd be happy just meeting someone I click with no matter what. If I was one of the guys on the show, sure it would be very weird to have to sit there and explain it to my parents, but honestly, if I fall in love, then that's pretty much the whole point in life. Finding that combination of people, places, and things that make you happy. Here's to hoping that you find yours, because from what I've read on your website, you deserve them! - Mike P.S. I'd say drop me a line sometime if you're ever in the area, but I'm sure you get that all the time, so I'll spare the request ;) but I do hope you haven't given up on love and that love finds you one day!

Hi! That's the point.... love is the point! - Miriam X

p.s. the boys in the show just weren't man enough!

16) Hi Miriam, I was reading your story and I wanted to say that you are one of the most determined woman I have read about I want to wish you the best of luck in every thing you do. And I hope for the best for you. I wish I had more to say but I have always a short and to the point person. But I will say I am sure you are a very beautiful person on the inside as well and it is truly a shame that people can't always look past your past and see the beautiful woman standing before them who has made something of her self despite her past and all the trials you had to face. Good luck, Aaron

Thanks. its all about the inside! - Miriam X

15) Hi Miriam Just thought i would send u a message as i think ur great & a model to all transgendered people,as a ts myself i admier you for being open about what you are, if everyone was open about it, we (all ts's) would be able to get along in the world a lot better & people would start to respect us more. You say you transitioned very early, i wish i had had the chance to as im now 19 & am trying to start hormone treatment,have you any advise about how to go about it,don't know if it was an issue with you but im worried about when i tell my friends & what there reaction will be. Anyway if ur reading this thanks for taking the time & if u have time would love to hear ur views on how to transition easily. Take care Love Christy xxx

Hi Thanks. I was nervous when we started filming because a lot of the so called transgendered community thought it would result in fun being made of Ts's. My way is to be out there and open. The world is changing and by being open you can play a part in changing the world (and yourself). In life you find out who your friends really are when they accept you no matter what. It has been lonely for me, too. But now i have solid friends. - Miriam X

14) you are very beautiful... - ERIC

Why thank you! We all are! - Miriam X

13) hello mirian how are you today & greetings from ireland. i just want to say hello to the some lovely lady in the world. have nice day. - ian

Hi! I've been asked to appear on the Late Late Show in Dublin. Have never been to Ireland. Want to go. I hear the show is a hit in Ireland. - Miriam X

12) hi miriam how are you doing? my name is paul and i saw your story on a site called, i was very excited to read your complete story, a beautiful story and an extremely honest one at that. i myself grew up in ireland and moved to america at the age of 17, nobody knows abour my love for transsexuals, i think they would not understand and they would believe me to be gay, but im not. when i read about someone like you, i wish i could get to knopw you more, im sure you hear everyday from men all over the world. if you ever get a chance i would love to hear from you. thank you so much for your brave story and god bless miriam.... - Paul

Hey! Thanks! Be true to yourself! Times are changing. Be what you want to be. Make no excuses. Be True. AND HAVE FUN! - Miriam X

11) Hi Miriam, Just to say that I admire your courage and determination. Good luck in the future. Hope you are able to come to UK soon - Bill

Hi.... Thanks! I'm back in the UK next Friday. Will be doing some club PA guest appearances in a couple of months. - Miriam X

10) hello miriam, I am an american and i just read your story in people magazine. I think of all the reality shows that are taking place in the world, your show was the only one based on true love. You are truly a beautiful woman, and you deserve to be happy. I hope you find a man that meets your every wants and wishes. Right now i am leaving for swiss to play american football, you are probably a big star now in england and i was wondering if u ever make your to america or to swiss. i hope to hear from you, but if i dont't ...i wish the best of luck for you. Take care - david

Hi...... American Football! Thanks for this. I live in New York and travel between NYC and London. I think the show will be shown in the States soon. I'm definitely releasing my single in the States sometime later this year. Thanks for your comments on the show. It was a strange experience, dating 6 guys at once. You are right. It was about true love which is what you are in the inside that counts the most. Have a great time in Switzerland. And check out my new website going up in 10 days. Lots of kisses. Miriam X

9) Wow. I think you re great but then i m sure you hear that a a great deal. Or words to that effect What attracts me is you re sense of being. The unusual fruit that you are also makes you very desirable. i hope true love comes your way i also hope that if i ever come to New York we will bump in the street by chance and i will have the opportunity to ask you out on a date. i guess i am a fan. i have never been a fan before but now is a good time to start - Saul

Maybe we will! x Miriam

8) Hey come n visit me next time you are in leicester hon and we will; go partying. If you are in Uk beggining of may, plse come down n Party at the Attic Licester 1ST May, as its my Birthday on the 2nd. Guess we have a feew things in common me n you so would love to have a chat with you, and also I would love to thank you for inspiring me to try a little harder, you take care hon. Lotsa Hugs - Shelly

Hey. Keep the faith. I'm in NYC recording music at the moment. The last month has been incredible and am so glad you like the show. Dates for UK return will be forth coming. x Miriam

7) u r gorgeous - ollie

Thank you! x M

6) hello... what can i say..a truely beaufitul t-girl...stay non op... and if your ever in london and want a date... kevin xx

Hey Kevin. My single will be out soon. Maybe doing some dates in a couple of months in the UK. x Miriam

5) Miriam, you are beautiful i hope you can send me some pictures to my mail. Diferent ones from the page please. - Miguel

Hi! Pictures will be given to the web site on a regular basis. Stay tuned. x Miriam

4) you said that you did the show to find out if love exists, I was just wondering what you found out by the end of the show? I understand that the contestants ended up walking out at the end of it, and that can't have given you a very good experience. I know that this is just my opinion, and you'll probably disregard it, but I'm sure you're more likely to find love now that everyone knows more about you, but like I said earlier, I was just wondering about your interpritation of it? - Graham

Hi. It was hard, but thought it might happen. The boys individually were great, but as a crowd of Alpha males they wound each other up. But then, its TV! How many people fall in love on TV? I'm meeting some wonderful people in Britain. And some lovely guys. Am in New York at the moment recording my single (I've been working on music for the last 2 years). It should be coming out in Britain soon. x Miriam

3) Hi there Miriam, I'm sure you get told this a lot but I think your absoultly beatiful! And I think I am I love with you! - Ben

hey..... thanks! Lovely to hear that from you. Maybe one day..... ! x Miriam

2) i think ur very beautiful, and any guy would be so very lucky to be with u, i know i'd be honoured for that chance - waq

Tell that to the boys in the show! Thanks for the sweet words. I'll be back in the UK soon...... x Miriam

1) Hey, you are a very beautiful girl. I'm 17 and have thought about going through the process, but have always been afraid of what my parents and friends would say, and I really look up to you, because you knew exactly who you were, and were very determined to become that person, I wish it was that easy for me, do you have any advice for me?

The best advise is to be true to yourself no matter what happens. That is the first rule. I had difficulties in my life. Now, times are changing, people are more accepting, and I hope that I am helping make that happen. Be honest and true about yourself to everyone. X Miriam