April 29, 2004

New Pictures Nearly Here

This is a sample from the new photo sets which will be posted on the official site starting from next week.

Posted by Claire at 02:31 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack

April 25, 2004

Email exchange

In the progress of posting more email replies from Miriam. Thought this one was worth sharing:

hello miriam,

I have read your story on miriamssecret.com............
I would like too address one issue raised within it, namely your decision to stay pre-op which I respect BUT:-
Your mum said "why stay half and half"
I think she said this as if you wish too attract a open minded straight guy then I can say speaking as one that post-op is the way too go.
When us guys look at a female we find all of her attractive.............
You have a beautifull face, a nice in shape body, and nice female breasts but male groin organ (nice way of saying penis I hope.......lol)
I know this what a pre-op transsexual is but you have obviously gone through alot too become a woman, I know its a major stage but i'm sure it would help in your quest too find love.
Because...........genuinely straight guys won't find you sexually aattractive due to the male groin organ.
Gay guys usually seem to like macho/str8 guys......they like men to be men (I know I have some gay friends)
Bi-guys will usually return to their wives..................
Sorry if that is a bit of a downer but thats the way life is, if you want happiness/love maybe time to conform (just a little)
Maybe you'll find a guy who will accept your pre-op status but i'm sure they are few and far between and will severely limit your future dating opportunities.

Bye the way I am a psychologist by trade and have studied human sexual behaviour so feel qualified to comment.



Thanks for you email. I don't know if I agree with you. Should I go post op just to find true love? Surely the reason to go post op would be because I need to do it, that it is a driving desire within me rather than just to hopefully attract some man? That's a bit like saying that a woman should conform to men's expectations and wear make-up or suspenders rather than be themselves. There are a lot of guys out there who are attracted to girls like us. A lot of guys who see past the "groin area" and fall in love with the person and then accommodate the things that come along with it. Going post op has a lot of consequences, I am not sure that medical technology is good enough yet. A lot of Tgirls get depressed after the operation. Some don't.

I know that if I go post it will be because I decide and not because I need to conform. I understand your sentiments but there are enough beautiful guys out there! You would be surprised how my dating opportunities are not limited! Don't go by the show. I have a great time with guys!

Rather than conform, lets look for a world that is a better place to live!

Miriam X

Posted by Mike at 05:49 PM | Comments (5) | TrackBack

Miriam wants your opinion

If Miriam makes her new single "Don't Fall in Love With Me" available to download for $1.50, will you buy it?

Click here to vote now.

Posted by Mike at 04:24 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack

April 14, 2004

101 petition signatures so far

As of now, 101 people have signed the petition to put Miriam on the cover of FHM. If you are hesitating to sign, remember you do not need to leave your full name. Your first name, or first name and last initial, will suffice. Click here to sign the petition.

Posted by Mike at 06:34 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

New photo shoot with Maya Guez

Just in:

Miriam has finished a grueling 9 set photoshoot with top New York fashion photographer Maya Guez. Samples of these shoots will be available on miriamofficial.com on the 28th April.

DarkFibre Entertainment Ltd

Posted by Mike at 05:31 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

April 09, 2004

Help put Miriam on the cover of FHM

In her response to a recent letter, Miriam wrote:

Hey, thanks..... why don't you write to FHM magazine and suggest they let me do one of their covers? They told my management it would be too confusing for their readers. Hey everyone. Could you all write to FHM magazine and request a Miriam Cover? Now that would be people power!

Miriam X

As a result, several fans have started an online petition:


which you can sign, and tell friends who might be interested in signing, too.

Here is the contact info to politely call or write For Him Magazine directly:

Editors of FHM

David Davies
Paul Keenan

Mappin House, 4 Winsley Street, London, W1W 8HF

+44 20 7436 1514
+44 20 7436 3000

Let's help put Miriam on the cover of FHM!

Posted by Mike at 01:53 AM | Comments (13) | TrackBack

April 08, 2004

Miriam wants to hear from you!

In her personal responses to letters from fans on Tuesday, Miriam wrote:

I want to say thank you to you and all my loyal fans. I honestly appreciate your love and support. Thanks for writing, it means a lot to me....

Without your letters and support there would be no fan mail, there would be no MIRIAM. So please don't ever think for one second you are "wasting my time". I honestly enjoy and love hearing from my fans. I want to hear and know your thoughts and feelings. It is great to know there are people in this world who support me through all this. To know I am not alone makes me feel at ease. So please keep writing. It is never enough!

By my last count, she has personally replied to 121 letters from fans so far.

Posted by Mike at 04:39 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

Episode six screen captures and plot summary

The screen shots and description of the last episode are now online.

Posted by Mike at 04:37 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Sample from single is delayed

If you were wondering about the sample from Miriam's new single, "Don't Fall In Love With Me", originally due out on miriamofficial.com April 2nd, it has been delayed due to unexpected difficulties hammering out the legal aspects of this.

Posted by Mike at 03:44 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

April 05, 2004

New photos of Miriam in London

Gallery four is online now with photos of Miriam from her visits to London last month.

Posted by Mike at 10:37 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

April 01, 2004

94 email responses from Miriam so far

Miriam just replied to her 94th fanmail letter. Anyone hoping to be reply number one hundred? Maybe we'll need to figure out some type of prize. Other than getting a reply from her, which is enough of a prize. Suggestions?

Posted by Mike at 01:06 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack

Episode five screen captures and plot summary

Sorry for the delay. Episode five screen shots are available now.

Look for episode six by early next week. And in case you have not heard yet, continue reading to see who wins.

Tom won, and initially agreed to go on the cruise, but later changed his mind.

Posted by Mike at 12:44 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Good news for Miriam fans in Scandinavia

If you live in Western Europe, and Denmark, Sweden, Norway, or Finland in particular, you will be glad to hear that ViaSat satellite television has purchases the rights to broadcast There's Something About Miriam on it's satellite network. This from variety.com:

Fresh deals announced Wednesday:

Endemol sold tile-toppling gameshow "Domino Day 2004" to RTL for broadcasting in 20 territories and inked with Scandi paybox ViaSat for reality skein "There's Something About Miriam."

Scandi is short for Scandinavian. I think you might be able to subscribe to ViaSat from countries in Western Europe besides the four listed above, too.

Posted by Mike at 11:46 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Details of Closer magazine photo shoot

Some more details:

Miriam has just completed an exclusive photoshoot for the UK's Closer magazine. In this shoot Miriam dressed as a man! Both as a joke and a provocation.

Closer will be in the shops on Tuesday 6th April.

DarkFibre Entertainment Ltd

Clearly, she will look like a beautiful woman who has dressed up like a man. Interesting idea.

Posted by Mike at 02:23 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack